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Tips to get rid of Mouth Wrinkles

Millions of people all around the world are turning to all natural skin care treatments that take care of their skin and maintain their natural beauty into old age.

Mouth wrinkles happen to someone whose skin is already emerging into the aging stage. It also happens to people who have relatively poor skin care regimen.

There are a lot of us who concentrate more on moisturizing the central part of our face forgetting to work on some of the crucial areas such as eyelids, under eye skin and around the mouth area.

There are three main causes of lost firmness and a few other factors that play a minor role. Decreased production of collagen fibers is the main cause of loose skin. Chronic inflammation and free radicals can cause the degradation of the fibers that are produced.

Those mouth wrinkles can really put a permanent smile or frown on your face. Well I have some tips you can try to get rid of mouth wrinkles and prevent more from coming back.

Mouth wrinkles a little tougher to get rid of than other types of wrinkles since your natural facial expressions help mold them into visible marks. However, that doesn't mean that you'd go at getting rid of them any differently than you would ones on the rest of your face.

Choose an effective moisturizer. A moisturizer will stay on your skin for many hours until you take it off and it should be abundant with hydrating and beneficial ingredients if you are going to soak your dermis in it. This is why before sealing your purchase, you have to consider what went into the products. Find out what ingredients were used.

Keep your skin hydrated.Dermis tissues get damaged easily when they are not lubricated or hydrated. Make sure you apply an anti aging moisturizer. Massage the product around your mouth.

Choose ingredients that are all-natural. The chemical ones and the synthetic ones will only make your dermis a lot more aggravated. One of the most bioavailable ingredients today is CynergyTK.

This is extracted from the wool of sheep and it contains a lot of keratin components that will facilitate in the healthy renewal of collagen and elastin tissues.

It has to contain antioxidants. One of the things you would want to defend yourself against is harmful free radical. When we are exposed to environmental factors and hazards, our body tends to oxidize fats and produce harmful free radicals. These can affect the nature of our healthy skin cells and will then speed up the aging process.

Purchase pure sugar cane juice. Mix about a quarter cup of the juice with two tablespoons of turmeric powder. Use it as a facial mask or just apply it around the mouth area. This will get rid of fine lines and creases around the mouth.

Try using gelatine facial mask. Apply it all over your face. Use this treatment twice a week. You can also use gelatine as a lip gloss to make your lips softer and smoother. It contains compounds akin to keratin. It is actually the precursor to keratin so it can help get rid of wrinkles.

Acupressure is an ancient Chinese practice that allows recovery of body functions through massage. Find the acupressure spots around your mouth. Press your two index fingers on the symmetrical acupressure areas. Gently knead your muscles to release muscle tensions and stress. Practice 10 minutes of acupressure before you sleep.

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Healthy Homemade Hair Conditioner Tips

A hair conditioner is a term that means more than one thing.The first and foremost purpose of it is to moisturize the hair and the scalp. Due to external influences and also internal body reactions (hormones, stress...), the skin on our head reacts differently. The most common reaction is dryness.

A moisturizing and nourishing hair conditioner is a must in order to control dry hair and scalp.

There are many causes of dry hair. The outside, environmental factors, what we eat, blowdrying, dying the hair, iron curlers... Although less prominent than oily hair, dry hair can look lifeless and lack volume.

Homemade deep conditioners are usually made of items you find in the grocery store. In my many experiments with using them, I have noticed a dramatic difference between outcome of store bought conditioners, such as softens, manageability, shine and overall healthy appearance.

Homemade hair conditioner can be very easy as or extremely complicated. In any case making your own personalized hair conditioner at home can really save money, besides this a hair conditioner is just a moisturizing product used after cleansing the hair, follow these easy Healthy Homemade Hair Conditioner Tips.

In homemade hair conditioners, ingredients like avocado and olive oil act as humectants. They trap in the moisture and keep it locked so that the hair shaft can receive the moisture it needs.Jojoba oil is known to soften the skin and also increase the shine.Lavender essential oil not only smells good, it has healing properties that help regulate the scalp's dryness.

Rosemary is said to be the best source for hair growth. Also, this is an effective remedy for an itchy scalp and dandruff and making your hair much softer, manageable and smelling good.

Mix 2-5 drops of rosemary essential oil with 1 teaspoon of sweet almond or olive oil, blend them well. Now apply the mixed oil on your dampened hair and massage the scalp gently. Wrap your head in a hot towel and wait for about 45 minutes so that it deeply conditions your hair. Rinse off with cold water.

Beat the egg yolk until it's frothy, add the oil then beat again. Add to the water. Massage into the scalp and throughout your hair. Rinse well

Over low heat combine coconut and jojoba oil until they melt and then remove them from heat.In a separate bowl, combine clay and water until the you get a pasty consistency.

Thoroughly combine the oils and clay.Use a palm-full and apply it on previously dampened and clean hair.Massage vigorously into scalp.Use a shower cap or plastic wrap and cover the hair for 15 minutes.Shampoo the hair after that.

Mash avocado and slowly add coconut milk until smooth and the consistency of hair conditioner. Work through hair to ends. Rinse after 15 minutes then shampoo....

The best conditioner is the one that give the best results when used on your hair. There is no way to tell the specific hair conditioner will be "the one". You need to try them and see which one fits you best.

Explore more hair styles also read tips for healthy hair and hair gel

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Ayurvedic Skin care Tips

From time immemorial the concept of beauty is associated with the physical appearance of a person. The term generally conjures up images of a beautiful face with flawless complexion and good physique. Skin care treatments date back thousands of years.

Ayurveda describes the skin as one among the "PANCHANHANENDRIYAS". We feel with our skin. The skin is the most exposed part of our body and is hence the most affected area of our body. It is more prone to diseases since the dirt, grime, polluted air and exhaust from the vehicles all gets accumulated here. Hence skin is to be given proper care.

Being the mirror, the barometer of an individual's health, skin is the clue to one's Ayurvedic constitution i.e. vata, pitta and kapha. This can be better understood by the types of skin an individual possesses.

Skin care treatment not only helps in maintaining the looks of a person but also produces a sense of well being and helps in rejuvenation of the mind. The fresher we look the more confident and replenished are we.Here are some tips for skin care through ayurveda for you to ashieve a radiant skin:

For ayurvedic skin care, begin your day with a mug of hot water that has the juice of half a lemon. Lemon is very good for the skin and since it is anti bacterial, it helps your body to flush out the toxins and keep your body clean from within. In case you have very oily skin, you can go for another glass of lemon water later in the day.

Diet: Without adequate nourishment, your collagen layer thins and a kind of wasting takes place. Over time, your skin can shrivel up like a plant without water from lack of nourishment. To keep your skin plump and glowing:

Avoid packaged, canned, frozen, processed foods and leftovers. These foods have little nutritional value and also they are often poorly digested which creates impurities that localize in the skin. The resulting buildup of toxins causes irritation and blocks circulation depriving the skin of further nourishment and natural cleansing processes.

Use of fried food is on the increase now days. People have no time for a regular meal and they often end up eating junk food from the roadside. Often children take these fries, which comes in packet for their snacks to school daily. The use of these may cause eruptions on the skin. To have a good skin one must include a lot of leafy vegetables, fruits etc in their menu.

Ayurveda recommends "ABHYANGA" or oil bath. Oil bath is the most effective medicine. It acts as a tonic for the skin. Massaging the body with oil and then washing it off with herbs like gram flour, besan, rita, amla etc can work wonders on the skin. This will help to have a glowing skin and also acts as a precaution for skin ailments.

Raw salads are also great for your health but you can reap the maximum benefit of eating raw food only when you have a strong digestive system. In case your system is not very strong, you will not be able to digest the raw food.

For ayurvedic skin care, you need to consume vegetables that have high water content. Carrot, lettuce, daikon radish and tender asparagus are vegetables that are very good for your health and your skin. In Ayurvedic jargon, these vegetables are called tridoshic, which means that they are suitable for individuals with any kind of skin.

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Tips for maintaining a Balanced Diet for Kids

The earlier you incorporate healthy food into your baby's diet, the more you will see the results later as he will acquire healthy habits. The child will also grow to have a bullet proof immune system and a strong teeth and bones.

Maintaining a balanced diet for kids is of paramount importance in today's world of overabundance of fast food, television and computers. There is a serious problem of obesity in children the world over, as more children give up active outdoor activities to sit in front to televisions and computers.

When thinking about a child's diet, perhaps the best thing you can do is to think about what dieting means to you. The word "diet" has become so loaded in modern times that the very word seems to imply punishment, restrictions and yearning for more food.

Instead, think of a diet in its original sense: what we eat and drink. A child's diet should be full of delicious foods that provide all the nutrition he or she needs to grow up big and strong.

For making your children habitual of healthy eating it is important to inculcate these habits right from their birth. Once it becomes habit then it becomes easy to follow it. You can do it just be putting good examples before them and by telling them about the benefits of healthy eating for children.

Some of the healthy foods for children on the food pyramid include: fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, low fat dairy products, lean meats, fish, poultry, beans and lentils. You can reduce portion sizes so that they are reasonable instead of unlimited, and pour out water for your family as an alternative to unhealthy soft drinks.

An efficient way to prevent one of the childhood's most common illnesses, the cold, is to introduce garlic into your child's diet. It is demonstrated that garlic has great antibiotic activity and can even reduce the risk of cancer.

However, getting your children to eat healthily is definitely not difficult, especially when those food items are kept in the fridge and processed foods are banished from your kitchen and pantry.

Children are going to start snacking off nuts and fruit when they do not find potato chips and processed foods. In the same manner, if they do not find fatty and meat products, they are going to make do with vegetable and fruit salads, with lots of spicy olive oil-based homemade salad dressing, vegetable dressing or homemade ranch dressing.

Minerals and calcium are great in consolidating the bones and teeth. Dairy is the number one provider in this case. Soy milk or calcium fortified orange juice are also good. Great sources of calcium can be found in broccoli, spinach and other green leafy vegetables.

How do you stock your cupboards? Are there a lot of tempting sweets in the pantry and sodas in the refrigerator? Get rid of them, or keep just a few on hand for dessert. Instead, make sure there are many fruits and vegetables within easy reach to your child.

Just like anything else, it takes some practice and a little time to incorporate a healthy diet for kids and you into your everyday lifestyle. But it's worth it.

Explore more beauty tips also read middle child syndrome and prevent childhood obesity

Read more about hair care by Prenoy Yonerp

Ways to Increase Breast Milk supply

More often than not, many mothers are concerned about their breast milk supply. They are worried that their bodies will stop producing milk before their child reaches the age of weaning (eating solid food). The concern is understandable because this can happen, but only in very rare cases.

Nevertheless, if you are concerned about your milk ceasing before you choose to stop, in addition to the suggestions that are mentioned in part one of another article, there are a few more things that can be done.

To do this, you must know most, if not all, of the possible causes of low breast milk production.Your own physical problems can also inhibit milk production. Breast troubles like mastitis, sore and cracked nipples, engorgement, and plugged ducts are the most popular issues that lead to low milk supply mothers experience.

Inadequate milk removal- This reduces milk supply as a baby's time for breast feeding may be limited or the mother fails to administer both breasts during each feed. Bottle feeding with breastfeeding may cause a perplexity between nipples for the baby.

A mom's hormonal and physical complications can also be a reason for having low amount of breast milk. Ailments such as anemia, diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, and thyroid imbalance are some examples.

Want to know new ways to increase breast milk supply. Well, luckily, there are a number of ways to do this.

Feed Often.The more often you breastfeed your baby, the more your milk will come in. When your baby suckles on your breasts, it stimulates the production of breast milk. Your body has an amazing way of knowing when it needs to produce breast milk.

Another common way of increasing milk production is by pumping the breasts after feeding the baby. If both breasts are being pumped equivalently (double pumping), this should be done for up to ten minutes. Double pumping enables the boosting of milk supply in the breasts more quickly and will also shorten your pumping session times.

Let your baby fill her belly every time she drinks.How do you know your baby is full? Typically, your baby will let go of the nipple and be "milk drunk" when he is done. This means he is full and content. If he starts rooting around again, he is still hungry.


Completely empty both breasts at each feeding session. When your baby finishes his feed on one breast, offer him your other breast as well. If your baby refuses to suckle anymore, you may also hand express or pump to completely empty your breasts after feeding your baby.

Water - always make sure to get plenty of water during your breast pumping experience. If you need a way to increase breast milk supply, you will be surprised just how quickly your supply will increase when you getting plenty of water in your system.

Mother's Milk Tea - you may find that this tea will begin to increase breast milk supply in about 2-3 days. Some moms have even said that it helps their baby with gas and colic. However, it must be steeped and prepared like traditional tea.

Massaging your breasts can stimulate the production of breast milk. The action of breastfeeding itself is a great massage on the breasts, which gets the milk flowing. In between feedings, knead your breasts in a similar fashion to breastfeeding itself - preferably in the shower or bath when warm water is on your breasts. This massage will stimulate your body to increase the flow of breast milk.

Explore more fashion magazine also read bottle feeding and baby sleep patterns

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Choose the Right Perfume for you

Have you ever had a woman or man approaching and as they walk by you smell the scent they leave behind. And you can't resist the scent and you wonder who that person is, and maybe remember something nice.

A brilliant smell and special fragrance, these factors are causes that make us difficult in choosing the right perfume for us. The smell in the test strip or inside the bottle is not exactly the same with perfume when it is sprayed on you.

The chemistry inside your body receives the reaction of perfume sprayed to construct the totally unique scent. It is important to choose the right perfume for you.

Various types of fragrances are available these days; most of them are separate for men and women. Choice of a perfume depends on individual tastes and preferences. Often some people will prefer the same brand and fragrance as they are used to the particular smell.

So let's say you are searching for a new fragrance. You wonder how it will smell on you. Will it smell as good on you as it does in the bottle? What I can tell you is that it will smell differently on you than it smells in the bottle. This is because each perfume reacts differently with every person's body chemistry.

Do not judge the smell of the perfume when it is still in the bottle. Our skin is the essential aspect in choosing the right scent because we can only smell the top notes and that may not smell on our skin.

You need to experiment with a variety of fragrances to determine how they will react to your body chemistry. Also, keep in mind that fragrances are classified as having three notes; top notes, mid notes and base notes. Top notes dissipate quickly revealing the mid notes, which linger a little longer, then they too give way to the base notes which last much longer.

Do try and walk for an hour because we may like the top notes but it is the base that determines the final scent on our skin. It takes an average of hour to develop. So, after one hour, we can make our decision.

Do not smell too many perfumes at one time, just try three to four. We can try wafting coffee beans under our nose to refresh our smelling powers.

Go and do some other things like you would during the day, like eating at the mall or shopping. A little bit later, sniff the back of your hands. If the perfume still smells well and you still like it, go ahead and pay for it.

Perfumes change with time after you apply it. If a scent smells good on someone else, it might not on you. Due to individual body chemistries, a good smell on one person may not be good smell on another. Also, some fragrances decay over time.

While choosing a perfume, one should consider the climate and season. What goes best in the winter may not be even good enough in the summer. Hence, it is extremely important to choose the perfume that does justice to the climate and to your skin.

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Know How to Look Better Naked

Looking good naked means different things to different people. One thing most of us all share, however, is that we would like to look (at least a little bit) "better", more toned, less fat, more bulky (guys) or to some extent, "different" to what we see in the mirror.

Most people have certain parts of their body they feel insecure about when they are naked. They do their best to keep it hidden or at the very least, fairly concealed. And clothes can do a wonderful job of hiding many parts of the body.

If you want to know how to look better naked then a great way to get started is by leaning up and toning that body. Having excess fat on your body will make you more self conscious when it's time to take those clothes off and can make you feel a little less than sexy!

You absolutely must change the way you eat. This is the first and most important rule to getting the stomach you have always wanted.Poor eating habits lead to habitual weight gain. By cutting your caloric intake you will force your body to burn the fat stored on it.

Perhaps you indulge in high fat foods that you know are not good for your waistline or your heart. Take a moment and think about some of the things you would do differently if you truly loved yourself for the beautiful person you are.

Remember that even baby steps can have momentum. The tiniest of all feats can be the springboard to something great. If you resisted the temptation to eat a cookie today that is wonderful. Try not to be so hard on yourself and celebrate even the smallest victories.

In addition to a healthy diet, regular cardio will help burn extra calories so you can start dropping excess fat. You should make sure that you are performing cardio exercises at least 3-4 times per week for the best fat burning results. Each cardio session should last at least 30-60 minutes.

Start spinning around like children.Crazy, huh? Well, yeah it kinda is... but it works. Here's what you do. Spin clockwise with your arms out, kinda like airplane wings. Spin yourself around somewhere between 5-20 times.

The reason I can't give you an exact number is because you're trying to find out the number range where you get slightly dizzy. It may take a few times.

Lovemaking is the best way to burn calories. Sex increases metabolism in your body and helps your body to burn fats. The whole process can easily mold you and make you look slim naked. Lots of foreplay is equally important to look great naked without exercises.

Eating lots of fruits and green leafy vegetables can be beneficial for your body. They contain fibers that help your body to clean up your digestive tract. They stimulates more digestion in your body while they also enhances your blood circulation by supplying lots of oxygen. Drinking enough water along with this diet is extremely advisable in order to look slim naked.

So now that you know how to look better naked and get sexy the next step is to start implementing these techniques above. Be sure to start making the necessary changes to drop extra weight so you can feel confident and sexy.

Explore more fashion magazine also read walking posture and dress for your body shape

Read more about beauty tips by Prenoy Yonerp

Great Eyeliner Tips and Techniques

If you are going to put on makeup, you have to make sure that what you are applying is complimenting your looks and making you more beautiful. There is really no point in spending time to apply makeup if it will just ruin your pretty face.

By learning how to use eyeliner properly, you could enhance smaller eyes, decrease larger eyes and create endless amounts of different looks for every occasion you have coming up in your future.

There are four most common types of eye liners - pencil, liquid, fluid, and powder.Properly applied it will enhance the natural shape of your eye and will add focus to your eyes. After practicing a few times, you will gain the skill and steady hand that is needed to apply this make up evenly.

Eyeliners can be applied in many ways but the simplest trick is not to use it in an obvious manner. Rather, they ought to blend in with your eyelashes to give you an effect that is naturally fantastic. Here are a few tricks you can try.

Start with a Clean Face.This may seem obvious, but it is absolutely necessary. Start with a clean face and make sure to pay close attention to the eye area. Since you have natural folds around the eye, it is easy for dirt and oils to get trapped there.

Colour is important element of getting Eyeliner to look great with your natural eye colour; Brown, Navy and Charcoal will look great with light coloured eyes, while Brown and Plum work best with dark eyes.

Liquid eyeliner keeps a sharp line and does not have to be sharpened. It can be messy to apply especially if your hand is not steady. It can also clump together on the brush. Eyeliner pencils need to be sharpened and a soft pencil can break or lose its cap easily. When the cap is off the pencil, it can make a mess in your make up bag.

The basic principle behind good Eyeliner application is when it is applied in the makeup application routine. Eyeliner is best applied after Eyeshadow and before Mascara. There are various ways to hold and support yourself while applying Eyeliner to make it more comfortable and accurate to apply!

When you are making a line, never start it from the nook of your eyes. Instead, begin from a point that is midway. This is especially true for your top lid and will give you a more natural, beautiful look.

Another trick is to use the eyeliner mixed with an eye shadow. This not only stops smudging, but it also gives a more natural look. You can use the eye shadow directly over the liner with the use of an eye shadow applicator.

An eyeliner could be correctly applied to give you the sultry smoky look. Put on the eyeliner the way you would usually and smudge it with a cotton wool. Don't forget, if you are going for this look, your lines should be on the inner lid.

Take note of these great eyeliner techniques as you can create the look of celebrities in just a few short minutes right from your home. You will be amazed just how much better your makeup will look when you apply these simple techniques.

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Read more about fashion magazine by Prenoy Yonerp

Ways in Removing Age Spots Naturally

Who does not want to know the ways in removing age spots, age spot removal is one of the many challenges that many fair skinned middle aged women faces.

Age spots, also known as liver spots and solar lentigo are pigmented spots on the skin that usually appear in people over the age of 55.

The most common cause of age spot is over exposure to sun. The UV ray of the sun accelerates the production of pigment causing melanin in our body as a natural skin protection process. When the excess production of melanin is concentrated on the outer layer of the skin, it appears as age spots.

Removing age spots can be a challenge, but a few secrets can take the challenge out of the game. One of the big secrets in age spot removal is avoiding the sun. UV rays and the aging process are the cause of uneven pigmentation.

Also, make it sure that you use sunscreen and sun protection cream to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun and preventing your body from producing more melanin than what is needed. To aid your sunscreen lotion, use skin care products that contain natural ingredients.

Extrapone Nutgrass Root actually contains a naturally occurring whitening agent. This whitening agent comes in the form of a volatile oil and has been used in herbal medicine in India and China for thousands of years.

Cynergy TK is a substance taken from special sheep wool in New Zealand. It contains functional keratin which is important in maintaining the elasticity of the skin and its firmness. Keratin is naturally produced by our body.

Bleaching creams contain two percent hydroquinone, which is a type of bleach. A prescription cream might use single bleaching agents like tretinoin or a combination, such as tretinoin, hydroquinone and cortisone.

Chemical peels are used to remove age spots, wrinkles and skin discoloration. They can smooth the skin and remove age spots over a period of time. Superficial peels are safer than deep ones but you might need to have a lot done before you notice results, meaning you have to spend a lot.

Many common age spot creams are suspected of containing harmful chemicals that further damage your skin condition. If you are not familiar with those chemicals, you need to do little research on those you see in the ingredient list. Avoid also those containing alcohol and fragrance. You do not need them since they having nothing to do with removing age spots.

Many of those synthetic compounds trigger a series of reactions on the skin that lead to overproduction of melanin. Instead of getting rid of your age spots, you actually end up having more. I hope you have not experienced this yet.

Removing age spots is something that is best done the natural way and age spot removal with a moisturizer means you can target wrinkles and fine lines simultaneously without using potentially harmful ingredients.

Removing age spots is not hard when you have the right tools to do the job, and products that contain Extrapone Nutgrass are the answer that you need for evening out your skin tone once again.

Explore more hair styles also read homemade hair conditioners and aging gracefully

Read more about beauty tips by Prenoy Yonerp

History of Valentines Day

For centuries Valentines Day has been the center of love and affection, with small gifts and tokens of affection passing back and forth between lovers and loved ones. But very few people know the real history of Valentines Day.

Valentines Day, also known as St. Valentines Day, is an almost world wide holiday celebrated even in Japan and Africa, amongst many others . This holiday, originated well over a thousand years ago in Europe, is held in celebration of Saint Valentine.

We all know and recognise the customs that we relate to valentines day. The giving of cards, often anonymous, as well as presents and gifts of jewellery, chocolates and flowers.Many people use this special day to get on one knee and propose marriage.

But where did it all begin, how was it that February 14th was proclaimed to be a day for romance and flowers and chocolates... not to mention the highlight of a restaurants trading year!

The History of Valentines Day and its patron saint is shrouded in mystery. One legend contends that Velantine was a priest who served in the third Century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made much better soldiers than married men, he outlawed marriage for young men, so that he would have a much better crop of soldiers.

Claudius believed romance was the cause for his depleting army as more and more young soldiers refused to travel to war for fear of missing their loved ones.

So the priest named Valentine became the friend of romantic couples throughout Rome as he defied this ruling and continued to practice the romantic love ceremonies.

Valentine realized that it was not just for single men to have to refrain from marriage. He defied Claudius order and continued to marry young lovers in secret. When Claudius discovered what Valentine was doing, he ordered that Valentine be put to death.

Other accounts claim that St. Valentine was killed when he helped Christians escape from the clutches of Roman inquisitors who were torturing and killing prisoners.

From this gruesome history, a holiday was born, letting all young and old lovers celebrate their love for each other, by sending valentines day cards and buying romantic presents.

Whichever the truth, and there is no solid evidence on which to rely, the day which commemorates the death of a romantic saviour is now a day for lovers everywhere.

So if you are alone why not take the chance and use this special day to tell your valentine of your true feelings, send a card or a small gift - a token of your affection. You never know maybe you could be the next love lorn person that that ancient hero Valentine unites in love.

Although the history of Valentines Day isn't necessarily as romantic as we are led to believe, the fact remains that it has become one of the most popular, and commercially profitable, holidays ever. 

Today, men often present their wives and girlfriends with chocolates, flowers, and cards; and the day has come to be associated with the highest number of marriage proposals than any other.

Explore more fashion magazine also read valentine craft ideas and ways to propose

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Qualities that a Man wants from Women

While there is no doubt that God had created opposite sexes to attract each other, many women want to know what it is that attract men to women. It is but natural for them to pose this question because they want to fine tune these points so that how women can attract men even more.

What men want from women. It is an often pondered question, especially for women who are having difficulty in establishing or indeed maintaining a strong and long-lasting relationship.Though I'm not speaking for all men out there, here are some qualities that a man wants in his woman.

Most men will tell you that one character trait that is an absolute must to them is being trustworthy. Men are just as vulnerable as we are when it comes to love and they don't want to have their hearts broken either. He wants and needs to know that he can trust you. The best way to show him this is to be honest with him always.

Men are looking for women who will accept them for the way they are. Many women, whether consciously or subconsciously, will try to change their man to fit the mold they see fit for their significant other. A man needs to know that you'll accept him as is and be supportive of what he does.

Understanding does not mean sitting next to him and comforting him when he feels badly, although that can help too. What it means here, however, is actually making an effort to understand him. That is, why he does the things that he does - his motivations.

Men prefer women who are good looking. This is the most obvious, right? But not just on what is seen by our eyes but on what is inside her - her qualities. Someone who could take care of herself by making herself neat and well-groomed in front of the public.

Men want a committed relationship from women This is another point that often surprises, but it is true. While the progressive ideology may be of one that promotes a man as enjoying and even preferring the single life, the reality is that often leads to a lonely existence.

Most men are attracted to very confident and very independent women. Confidence and independence are what men want from women. After all, a woman isn't relying on him to make decisions including what to wear and where to go for dinner. Tied closely to tip three, men love confident, independent women because it shows them that you're focusing on other things besides him.

Men want an argument-free relationship from women Did you know that men hate to fight? It may often seem like that is not the case. But for men, fighting and conflict tends to morph into a competition and the end goal becomes about winning.

Men prefer conflict that is less emotionally-charged for that reason. Have you ever known a man that when he got upset would tend to just get quiet? It is an instinctive reaction for a lot of men as a prevention measure to keep from losing control.

The most important one men want is admiration. Most men absolutely crave admiration, and if they are admired at work or among their friends, and not at home, they are not going to want to spend their time at home.

And like respect, if you don't genuinely admire your man, why would you stay with him. Of course he has his faults, but if you learn to work around them without making him feel like less of a man, and you show him that you admire him, he will want to spend more time with you.

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Read more about fashion magazine by Prenoy Yonerp

How to Balance Work and Motherhood

Before motherhood came along most women worked in a variety of professions, from managing their own businesses, performing shift work, or just doing long hours or having late nights in general.

By the end of the week exhaustion would set in so the weekend was the perfect time to catch up on much-needed sleep.Like every entrepreneurial mom, two of the top priorities in my life are my family and my business.

The female workforce is constantly having to make choices between career and family. After investing heavily both financially and emotionally in their education and building their careers, motherhood can often complicate even the well-laid plans.

There's no one tactic or strategy that will work all of us when it comes to balance work and motherhood, but there are many women that have found a way to do it that suits their lifestyle. Here are some tips when it comes to being a mompreneur and feeling we are where we should be all the time.

Stop feeling guilty. Everyone will have an opinion about what you should and shouldn't do and it will never stop. Only you know what is best for you and your child.

When it comes to balancing work and motherhood, using a day planner will help us mompreneurs stay on top of our daily schedules in priority sequence and enable us to know how to better prepare for the day ahead. Combine work and family schedule to ensure no double booking.

When cooking meals make, double serves if possible, casseroles, soups, spaghetti, etc. and then freeze so when you're too tired and don't feel like cooking you can pull it out and just reheat.

Make online shopping your best friend. Supermarket shopping on line is great, no more standing in queues, putting your back out steering the trolley with the dodgy wheel and trying to get there first thing so you can get a car park.

If you have a young baby on solids, then save yourself cooking time by making their meals while cooking yours e.g. steam some vegetables and grill some fish fillets, to which you can add the steamed vegetable stock and blend.

If you can financially afford to get a cleaner or ironing lady or both, what is stopping you? Does your house really need to be cleaned weekly or can it go a fortnight?

Don't Be Too Hard On Yourself: There is only so many hours in a day available to get things done. Balancing work and motherhood and feeling efficient at both can be a challenge for the mompreneur.Don't be unrealistic with your home duties when balancing work and motherhood. You don't have to be a suzy homemaker to be a good mom.

Most importantly, look after yourself, eat a healthy diet, take a multivitamin, have a laugh and give yourself a pat on the back for getting through another day without going too crazy.

Motherhood is a wonderful experience. But this does not mean that you have to compromise your career goals. All it requires is a little preparation and lot of perseverance to achieve your objectives on personal and professional levels. Your family is already attuned to your current work schedule.

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Teenage Anger Management Methods

Anger is a common feeling which happens when something upsets you. It is a natural feeling and happens to all people. However, rage is no longer natural if you cannot control it, in other words, you let it control you. Keeping your temper in control is extremely important.

Youngsters such as teenagers today, seem to go out of control and overreact without realizing the consequences and outcomes their anger could have on the person receiving it. They seem to experience some anger issues, and are more susceptible to just get carried away with their emotions and vent their fire at just about somebody and anybody.

Moreover, the greatest negative feature of this teenage anger could be that most people mistake it as just a part of "growing up", when it is a condition which requires proper guidance and treatment under teenage anger management methods.

So how do you know if your child is in need of anger management for teens? Some indicators may be when they start getting into physical fights, or when they are in a bad mood more than they are in a good one, or when their anger makes them want to hurt someone or themselves.

Trying to cope with alarming situations which continuously present themselves is often emotionally taxing for a teenager. The strain of it causes many thoughts and bad feelings of which anger is included. When buttons are pushed anger is a natural conclusion.

Teaching a teenager anger management tactics is to teach them self-awareness; it involves letting them know that they have the capability to assess a situation and act maturely instead of just acting out on impulse.

Another alternative for teenage anger management is for parents to send their children to boot camp. It is a must for them to personally visit the boot camp and talk to the staff. Likewise, this would enable the parents to check out their reputation.

A teenager who gets angry quickly needs to get to understand what self-control is. It is one thing to think about an upsetting situation but self-control also affects a teens' response to angering events in his life. Teaching teens to think before acting is most important in anger management for teens.

The teens should be encouraged to take notice of their emotions during testing times. It will help them realize that taking a moment to think before acting can make a big difference on how the person acts. A teenager who gets easily agitated needs training in self-control.

children learn through modeling so make sure that your behavior is worth modeling. If you act in ways that you discourage your children from acting, then you need examine your issues. If you react calmly when you're angry, teach your children how you accomplished this behavior.

Taking a few seconds to think these thoughts over in their mind often has a good impact on their behavior. Working with teenagers with anger problems is often a challenge but there are resources available to help with it.

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Effects of Single Parenting

Times have really changed. Many old customs and traditions which were taught and practiced for several years are becoming obsolete now. The modern culture has changed and outgrown values and beliefs that were thought to be the core.

Now, many individuals make the choice to become parents even if they are not in a steady, committed relationship with another adult who will share the responsibility of child rearing.

The effects of single parenting can be harsh. One of my favorite sayings is "Life happens". For the single parent, this ceases to be a simple saying and takes on a more rugged and realistic way of life.

As a single parent, one of your biggest concerns is likely what the effects of single parenting are on your children. Will they grow up differently, not having a mother or a father?

Single parents don't have the luxury of a second income, assistance with parenting or even someone to afford them a simple fifteen minute breather from having to be "The One".

In many cases, particularly where a parent has died or there has been a messy divorce, the remaining parent is in mourning for what they had. If they aren't careful, this can result in turning inwards and not giving the children the nurturing they so desperately need at this point in time.

Other negative effects of single parenting can include an increased risk of becoming involved in crime, alcohol or drug abuse, and other delinquent behavior that can negatively affect the child's future.

Children of divorce have a higher risk of problems associated with adjustment, behavior or social skills. This is most likely due to the stress and trauma created around the break-up. If parents can handle divorce in an amicable way, still coming together as a team to support the best interests of the child, then the risks are small.

One of the most noticeable effects of single parenting is that children do not get as much of an opportunity to build healthy emotional bonds with a person whom they trust, simply because there is one less person around with whom they can bond.

There is no one in the fall back position if the child's primary caretaker can't be there during a big moment in the child's life. In some single parent families, an older child can take on the job of encouraging the younger children, but that child too will need emotional support from the parent.

But the one on one time is the most important, because being heard without being judged will give children confidence that there is one relationship in which they will always be safe.

The effects of single parenting do not only apply to children, they apply to the single parents themselves.Single parents have to work full time jobs to provide for their family. They have to be the sole cook, cleaner, purchaser, accountant, taxi driver, entertainer, bather, disciplinarian and referee.

Single parents have to be able to look beyond the everyday stress and understand that their children have to come first.

The effects of single parenting on your children really depends on you. Are you going to complain and whine about being the only person to look after them, or are you going to make sure that your children have the best life possible, with or without the other parent?

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Ways in Making your Baby Sleep

Many times getting a baby to sleep at night is a difficult thing especially when the baby is just taken home. It's going to take awhile for the baby to adjust to somewhat of a schedule.

Making your baby sleep can be really tough, this is one of the most common problems of most first-time parents.Find ways in making your baby sleep, experiment in ways on how to send them to bed without you preparing their milk. You may take note of patterns of how your child sleeps. Schedule may not really work, as most babies are really unpredictable.

Before getting your baby to fall asleep, there are some tips to catch baby sleep signs so you can know when the baby is ready to sleep. The most obvious sleep sign is when baby begins thumb sucking or reaching for a pacifier or sleep toy; that is the direct message when your baby is ready to sleep.The simple ways below help in putting baby stay asleep easier as well.

Don't let your baby become overly excited before bedtime.A couple of hours before you plan to put your baby to bed make sure your baby is not playing excitable games. Ask any family members to not play with baby in a way that will cause excitement.

Try to set a consistent naptime for your baby. Based on different ages, example 4 months old is advisable to have 3 naps with each 4 to 6 hours per day. Baby who has regular naps at daytime tend to sleep longer at night.

Take your baby for a ride in a car. Strap your baby in their car seat and go for a drive. The sound and motion of the car is an effective way to quickly send your baby to sleep.

Breast feed or feed the baby warm milk just before it is time for the baby to go to bed. Warm milk contains tryptophan, which is a natural sedative.

Try to make as little fuss when you go to your baby in the middle of the night as possible. If you've allowed them to fuss a little and they clearly aren't going back to sleep on their own, get the bottle before going in their room. Don't turn the light on.

Try holding your baby and signing or humming softly. Place baby in the neck nestle position (nestle baby's head against the front of your neck with your chin against the top of baby's head.) The vibration of your voice can help to lull your baby to sleep.

If the room gets too dry, keep a humidifier in the room for added comfort. If a child has mucous in his or her nose, the humidifier could help throughout the night, but also clear the child?s nose before putting him down.

Perfume your baby's room with lavender. Properties in the scent of lavender can have a sedating effect on infants.

Make sure the room is neither too hot or too cold. Babies are very sensitive to cold and to heat, and it is important to make sure that they are not overheating, or feeling the cold.

One huge mistake many make is putting the baby into bed while he or she is already asleep. Put the baby to bed when drowsy so that there can be an association between laying there and falling asleep.

If the baby has been sleeping well then suddenly is not, it's most likely a sickness of some sorts. Go see a doctor to make sure that there isn't anything wrong.

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Health Hazards of Obesity

Other than zapping your self confidence and making you feel self conscious & unattractive, obesity is potentially a very serious and life threatening condition.

There are many health risks of obesity. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a clear definition of obesity. A high BMI is bad for the health of an individual. It shows that the person has a poor, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity in their life.Here are some health hazards of obesity that are increased by being obese.

Rapid weight gain, from 10-20 lbs for the average person, increases the odds of developing Type 2 diabetes. Genetic factors are fundamental, but weight gain plays a role, according to most studies. The risk is double that of an individual who has not had a weight gain, when other factors are held constant.

If you are obese then most likely you have high levels of cholesterol as well as saturated fats in your blood which can cause your arteries to become blocked or narrow. This can result in high blood pressure, hardened arteries, heart disease and stroke.

Stress Incontinence.Because of the additional weight you're carrying, there is added pressure against your bladder, increasing the chance of you getting a "leaky" bladder or incontinence.

Women who are obese have the tendency to develop Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. The ovaries develop cysts due to high levels of the male hormone Androgen which is secreted in high amounts. The women end up missing their periods and suffering from menstrual disorders.

As already mentioned, obesity can contribute to the narrowing of the arteries. This restricts your blood flow to all the parts of your body including your brain. Blood contains oxygen, and when your brain is deprived of oxygen it cannot function properly, and thus it results in memory loss


Liver disease, apart from that associated with excessive alcohol consumption, can be caused by insulin resistance. That resistance is much more likely among those who are obese. There are many studies which have correlated BMI with the degree of liver damage.

Depression can result from not having enough energy, and feeling physically down. It can also be a result from the low self-esteem that is often associated with being overweight.

Obesity leads to colorectal cancer. It may promote the development of cancerous growths in the colon, appendix and rectum. This is the second most common type of cancer in the world and obese people fall victim to it mostly.

Gallstones are more likely to form in those who are obese, and may be correlated with a rapid rise in BMI. Sleep apnea (interruption of breathing during sleep) is another condition commonly linked to obesity.

Many other health conditions like...Gout, osteoarthritis, certain types of cancer (breast, prostrate or colon cancer), poor female reproductive health (like infertility, irregular periods & ovulation) and psychological problems like depression, eating disorders and low self esteem.

To fight obesity quickly and safely, it is vitally important to begin a disciplined and intensive program that integrates a special and balanced diet, cardiovascular exercise and resistance, and a more active lifestyle.

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Tips on How to Moisturize Skin

Did you know that by moisturizing your skin, you are hampering the progress of skin aging? Our skin needs to be hydrated all the time. The skin tissues, collagen and elastin that make it up get damaged easily if they are dry and brittle.

If you want to moisturize skin, you have to go the extra mile. This process does not only involve the application of a moisturizing product. You need more than that to hydrate the dermis and treat excessively dry skin.

Let me enlighten you on some tips on how to moisturize skin properly:

Immediately apply moisturizer after taking a bath. Pat your skin dry with the towel first and then massage the moisturizer. This will help lock moisture in your skin tissues so you will not immediately feel distinct skin tightness.

et a natural moisturizer. If you have sensitive dermis, those products with chemicals and acid ingredients might make your condition worse. Some of them even speed up the appearance of wrinkles. The more natural the product you are using, the better you get supple skin.

Lessen salty food intake.Salt holds on to two water molecules at a time. This might prevent the good flow of fluid inside your body. Eating a lot of chips and processed foods can easily lead to dry dermis condition.

Avoid drinking caffeinated or carbonated drinks.These drinks will only increase the frequency of your trips to the bathroom. You purge out more fluid in your body because of these. If you are a coffee lover, you should also replenish lost water in your system by drinking more water.

Do not expose your skin excessively to the sun. The sun tends to hamper the production of collagen. The UV rays of the sun also stress out the skin. These rays speed up the aging process.

Also hydrate the dermis by improving your inner health. You should eat foods rich in fiber,

antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, proteins and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients are essential for the continuous production of skin components like collagen. You can also try taking food supplements to augment the lacking nutrients in your system.

Do not stay too long in the shower.Exposing your skin to water for a prolonged period of time lessens its internal moisture production. Since it senses moisture on the surface of the skin, it lessens the production of internal moisture.

Many people think that frequently washing the skin can help improve softness and dewiness. But this will only strip your skin away of its inherent moisture. It will either make your dermis oilier or dryer. Washing in the morning and in the evening is enough.

Sleeping can help normalize the production of hormones in the body. An imbalance of hormones leads to dry skin condition. Older women experience this problem more because of hormonal imbalance. If you sleep, the essential hormones in the body are produced.

Use a home-made facial mask at least two times a week. You can use the ingredients honey, avocado, papaya, milk or lemon juice. These ingredients can improve the firmness and the texture of your dermis. They can also help correct damaged skin tissues caused by too much sun exposure.

Now that you know how to properly moisturize skin, you can get rid of dry dermis condition for good. Also follow these tips to slow down the aging process.

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Make your Financial Future Bright

The bills are piling up. The stress is reaching new heights. You find yourself unwilling to answer the phone, unable to get to sleep, and lacking any desire to get out of bed in the morning. The pressure of your debt is also affecting your relationships. Your kids walk on eggshells around you.

And no, it's not really you or your loved ones who are creating the situation, but the burden of your debt.How much time do you spend thinking about your future? Do you dream about getting your ideal job? Do you wonder what it would be like to have kids of your own?

Investing in yourself and in your personal finances is an essential part of maintaining a healthy financial situation.

Investing includes savings and investments, but also includes avoiding and repaying debt to create a healthy financial future. Here are five tips that you can use to invest in yourself to make your financial future bright.

Everyone Share a Different View about Planning a Financial Future.Not everyone shares the same ideas regarding financial planning. Goals are set usually depending on certain stages of life.

Planning a financial future is not only about looking towards retirement and college funds for your children. Unfortunately, 90% of employees disregard this very important detail and realize it when it is obviously too late.

Gather all of your data. A tax return is a good start for that. Line by line you can gather data for your income, investments, and expenses. Review the time frame for your goals and understand the risk levels that you are taking in order to achieve your goals.

Think Wealth Creation. And the definition of wealth is simply how long can you go without a pay cheque. This should be the foundation of your financial planing as you will only earn a fixed number of pay cheques during your working years.

Watch out for the offers that are available when you are beginning to purchase anything. If you are planning to buy a television, buy it when you have maximum discounts, rather than the week before the soccer world cup. Get your new one in exchange of your old one. You can always save money like this.

When you know you have a cruise in mind in a few years time, or a new house, or perhaps even that trip around the world you've always wanted to take, then the act of saving becomes much easier.

Start an Emergency fund.Three to six months worth of expenses should be saved in an emergency fund. Through this emergency fund you can provide yourself with an alternative to credit cards if you find that you need a little something extra.

Aside from an emergency fund it is important to plan for future events, including retirement. The earlier the better when it comes to planning for retirement, as this will enable you to retire earlier and save more for retirement.

The same principles that can be used for any goal can be used for your future. All you have to do is learn how to set goals that are easy to accomplish and understand the process that goes into making these goals your reality.

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Maternity Fashion Tips

It used to be that pregnant women weren't very fashion conscious. Frankly, one tent looked as good as another and women just tried to get through without too much embarrassment. No wonder pregnancy was hidden away!

Fashion can be a nightmare when you're pregnant. Nothing seems to fit, as your body is constantly getting bigger and changing shape.

But the predicament is not really that dire. The truth is that there are plenty of summer maternity outfit options that look good and keep you cool during the months of heat. Here are just some basic summer fashion tips for pregnant women.

When shopping for maternity clothing, it is essential that you buy clothing that gives you the ability to mix and match for the occasion. Black maternity skirts, dresses, and pants, provides immense versatility.

Choose stretchy fabric. Buy clothing with a lot of stretch but that fits snuggly around the belly and your curves.

Choose clothing that emphasizes the parts of your that are not expanding - such as ruched sleeves to show off your arms, cropped pants or skinny jeans if you have trim legs.

You are starting to look beautiful naturally. The glow that comes from pregnancy is sure to turn heads. You will also have stronger nails and shinier hair. Make the most of them and enjoy the attention.

Black leggings, such as Olian's Maternity Leggings, are stretchy and comfortable.They allow room for the belly to expand while being trendy and stylish. When paired with a flowing top, the tightness of the leggings is balanced out by the looseness of the shirt.

Flaunt your Curves- As you enter maternity, feel proud to show off your over sized belly. You don't have to try hiding your curves. Remember, after a few months, it would get impossible to hide your curves any way. It is therefore best to accept the huge belly gracefully and instead of hiding it.

Dress with simplicity- This is one of the most important maternity fashion tips to follow as you dress during your maternity. Regardless of how much you like to dress, and whether you are used to over dressing or not, when it comes to dressing during maternity, it is best to follow the 'simple and elegant' mantra.

A good maternity bra is a must have in your pregnancy wardrobe. It must be made of 100% pure cotton, should have wide straps and several rows of adjustable hooks in back to be adjusted according to the growing breast size.

There's no need to fear the beach. Wearing a light beach cover-up or tunic is just what you need to keep you cool and comfy while you relax in the sand or splash around in the waves. The beach tunic can also double as a mini-dress for later use.

For those cool summer nights, the light cardigan sweater is just the thing to have. It looks great when worn over maternity dresses and keeps you warm without getting cumbersomely hot.

Being creative when you mix and match, and shopping for maternity retail stores that carry the newest and trendiest brand names in maternity wear, will ensure that your holidays are not only comfortable, but also fashionable.

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Read more about fashion magazine by Prenoy Yonerp

Nutritional Benefits of Eating Strawberries

Strawberries are not only delicious but also very versatile, and there are many ways in which you can add strawberries to your daily diet. It is difficult to believe that something as delicious as strawberries can also be filled with nutrients, but the truth is that there are countless nutritional benefits of eating strawberries.

Strawberry fanatics will be glad to know that there are plenty of nutrients that they can get from this bright red wonder fruit. The strawberry fruit is the only one known to have its seeds outside and around 200 seeds can be found in a single fruit.

Eat them when they are very red in color because this is when they have their nutrient density and the period they taste best. Do these things and you'll enjoy the health benefits from eating strawberries? Here are the benefits of strawberries.

They keep your heart healthy. Strawberries provide heart-healthy potassium while being low in sodium. Strawberries also contain natural anti-inflammatory agents that may help keep your arteries healthy.

The vitamins found in the berries help improve the immune system. One can be able to be safely guarded from germs causing diseases when one consumes strawberries.

Strawberries are an antioxidant to the body. Like most berries they are high in vitamin C and tons of antioxidants, but did you know that by adding Strawberries to Rum, Vodka, or Tequila actually increases the antioxidant levels of Strawberries?

They may help prevent cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. The phenols in strawberries have powerful anti-cancer properties.

Prevents Increase In Blood Sugar.In addition to Vitamin C and manganese, strawberries provide an excellent source of Vitamin K, riboflavin, magnesium, and folic acid. These range of minerals are considered to be good dietary fibers.

Strawberries have anti-aging properties and will keep your motor and cognative skills sharp by nourishing your brain cells which in turn will increase your brain function. Sharper for longer!

Rubbing half a strawberry across your teeth (or even just eating them) will allow the acid found in the strawberry to dissolve any tartar on your teeth and will also give you healthier gums. So next time you run out of toothpaste try using a strawberry instead.

Studies have also shown that regular consumption of strawberries can do wonders for the skin and hair and can aid in weight loss as well.

Strawberries have no fat, are low in calories, and are high in fiber and folic acid.There is more ascorbic acid in strawberries than in any other kind of berry. Moreover, they contain no sodium or cholesterol. Fructose contained in berries give them their sweet flavor and also help suppress appetite.


Glycine, another important amino acid found in strawberries, assists in the production of bile salts. The body requires these to aid in digestion, particularly digesting fats. Glycine assists insulin in regulating blood glucose in the system.

Researchers say mascular degeneration is the primary cause of loss of vision in older people. Statistics reveal that adults who don't take fruits and berries are more likely to suffer from this problem by 36% than adults who do so.

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries can be a wonderful healthy desert. Not only are they healthy but they are an extremely romantic way to present romance. The secret is using Dark Chocolate as it holds many antioxidants just like Strawberries.

Strawberries, when compared to other fruits such as oranges, apples, and bananas score the highest in most nutrients, are lower in calories, and are fat free.

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Turmeric Benefits are Innumerable

Turmeric is a member of the ginger family, and it has blessed mankind with its manifold uses since times ancient. One will find turmeric in almost every household of the Oriental countries. Turmeric being easily available in Asia, the Asians are quite aware of the benefits of turmeric.

Turmeric, whose botanical plant name is Curcuma longa L, belongs to the ginger species, and has been used since ancient times by Chinese and Indian medical practitioners, basically for detoxification and cleansing of the body.

Here are uses of turmeric that will get you reaching for your car keys and driving to the nearest Indian food supply depot. This is one of nature's true antinflammatories and antioxidants.

Most turmeric benefits have to do with digestive and liver health. People who experience bloating and gas after eating a meal will find that consuming the extract or cooking with the spice improves the condition.

These are the health benefits of turmeric that have been of most interest to modern scientists. Many plant compounds, as well as common vitamins like A, C and E, have been shown to have some effect on cancer cells in the laboratory.Also, it is said that it reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.

Turmeric can be helpful in regards to Alzheimer's disease. It is able to remove amyloid plaque that builds up in the brain, which could help slow the progressions of the disease, and may actually prevent it.

Turmeric is used in cosmetics, It is currently used in the formulation of several sun screen products available in the market.Turmeric based creams are popular in India.The more common uses in the west include usage in baked products, ice cream,yogurts, coloring agent in popcorn.

And for those of you who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, research has shown that the health benefits of turmeric could well include being effective in inhibiting a major inflammatory agent called NF kappa B bringing relief to those suffering from this disease.

One of the interesting turmeric benefits I found during my research was how it has been shown to help us stay sharp as we get older, and with half of us predicted to get some form of dementia, this is really good news.

When it comes to Ayurveda, turmeric plays a dominant role there too. It is applied as an antiseptic for cuts, burns, and bruises. It can also be used as an antibacterial. Researches have revealed that in some particular cases turmeric can be taken as a dietary supplement.

This is a new area of study. In Ayurvedic medicine, the health benefits of turmeric were not used to treat or help prevent diabetes. They used bitter melon and gymnema sylvestre, among other things.

The recent studies indicate that curcumin may protect the brain and organs from damage by glucose.

Turmeric is a poor fabric dye used in coloring mainly Indian saris. It helps deter ants, it helps keep crocodiles and snakes away. It can be used as an effective medication at times of snake-bites.In fact, turmeric is even used to plug radiator leaks in water-cooled radiators. Turmeric Benefits are innumerable!!!

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Health Benefits of White Tea

The origins of tea go back to China, more than 4000 years ago. Since then, people all across Asia and around the world drink tea to quench thirst and to enjoy the numerous benefits of tea it provides to overall body health.

White tea is the most simply produced tea. It's made by carefully plucking the silvery buds and select leaves from the camellia sinesis plant, steaming them briefly and then setting them to dry slowly.

Since it undergoes no fermentation, it's the purest beverage that money can buy and is extremely high in antioxidants.

It is very delicate and is harvested in much the same manner. Harvesters pluck the tender buds very early in the morning during spring.

The benefits that can come from drinking green tea are known throughout the world, but you may be surprised to find out about the health benefits of white tea as well. If you have never heard of white tea it would not be at all shocking.

White tea is proven to strengthen your immune system preventing you from getting infections and common respiratory problems. White tea's polyphenols has properties allowing your body to fight against viruses and other dangerous infections.

Studies carried out at Pace University have indicated that White Tea extract may have prophylactic applications which can help to retard the growth of bacteria which can cause Staphylococcus infections, Steptococcus infections, Pneumonia and Dental Caries.

It Provides an Anti-Fungal Benefit.Studies show this product has an anti-fungal effect on preventing mold and yeast infections. In fact, these are totally inactive when in the presence of white tea.that comes under white tea benefits.

It is very hard to fight against high blood pressure and we will not find a feasible number of possible solutions for this problem on the market. White tea thins blood and makes arteries function better which can prevent heart from many problems, including stroke as well.

Scientists have now found that the White Tea extract can protect against the Langerhans cell obliteration. It was found that the extract protected skin after exposure to sunlight.

Cholesterol is actually a health requirement, but there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol.

Catechins, a type of antioxidant, have been found to reduce the bad cholesterol that causes hardening of the arteries. White tea is absolutely chock full of these catechins, and helps raise the good cholesterol in your system.

Obesity-fighting Agent.Other benefits may include fighting of obesity. As mentioned, it contains more antioxidants than other varieties of tea, and this is important for weight and fat loss factors among many other issues.

Even prevent dental cavities and plaque because it is rich in fluoride and bacteria causing agents that fight against numerous bacteria in your mouth.

When it comes to caffeine content, the amount in white is similar to the amount in green. This can be beneficial - caffeine boosts the metabolism and may prevent liver ailments such as cirrhosis. However, ingesting too much caffeine can also have detrimental affects.

There is no doubt that white tea is one of the greatest natural gifts to our health, and you are encouraged to make it part of your daily diet. Not any other supplement on today's market will taste better and make you feel better at the same time!

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How To Prevent Yeast Infections

Candidiasis, the condition of abnormal growth of yeast organisms in the human body, can be quite an uncomfortable disease. Inflammation, soreness, severe itching, and curdy discharges in the infected area are just some of its unflattering symptoms.

Yeast infection is not a simple matter to deal with. A lot of over the counter treatments are out there. The problem with these drugs and medication from big pharmaceutical companies do not treat the root of the problem.

Are you searching for ways on how to prevent yeast infections? Whether you are concerned about how to prevent yeast infections in yourself or you simply want to keep your family as healthy as you can, there are a few things that you can do when you are considering this issue.

Avoid Frequent Douching.Douching too much disrupts the natural healthy balance in the vagina. Douching certainly does have medical benefits, but doing it too much can actually be a factor that leads to a yeast infection.

Stick to cotton panties. Lycra and nylon maybe sexy but they are also yeast-appealing. If you are going to slip in a panty hose, wear it over a cotton panty (and not over a bare crotch!)

Try to avoid sexual intercourse during an outbreak. Many people believe that they can skirt this rule by using a condom. However, the use of condoms which contains a lubricant called nonoxynol-9, which kills the HIV virus, can cause your symptoms to worsen.

On an important note, avoid being stress that much. It will just cause unnecessary reaction into your body, which will turn into irritation.

There are some natural herbs, spices that boost your immune system. Garlic is just one of them. Garlic, with its natural goodness and capacity for healing, has recently received the status of an anti-carcinogen.

Another food that can prevent this disease is yoghurt. Yoghurt contains active ingredients that keep the infection causing fungi at bay. Eating one helping of yoghurt a day can keep your bowels healthy.

If your lifestyle and daily diet is not healthy then your yeast can grow rapidly. The foods which are rich in sugar and carbohydrates are responsible to grow the Candida fungus faster in your organs. Do not take coffee, tea, alcohol and tobacco if you are suffering from this skin infection.

An apple cider vinegar bath will help soothe your pains and itching. Aside from this, you can benefit from apple cider vinegar if you put it on your bath water.

Obesity also causes some hormonal imbalance that in turn gets us infected with yeast. Obesity gives our body a resistance to insulin. This resistance is really even more pronounced when you are fat than if you are thinner. So to keep yeast infections away, keep in shape by exercising daily.

Although scented and perfumed products smell nice, they also have the potential of leading to an infection. One easy way to prevent yeast infection is to stop using these. So, avoid scented soaps, oils, deodorants, toilet paper, and sprays. Bubble baths should also be avoided.

Get Enough Sleep - Your immune system suffers greatly from lack of sleep and unhealthy stress. Getting the necessary amount of shut-eye will keep your immune system strong and help prevent Candida overgrowth.

Learning How To Prevent Yeast Infections can be quite easy once you know the causes of yeast infection and how to prevent them. The good news is this can all be done quickly, safely, and naturally from the comfort of your home.

Explore more beauty tips also read regulate menstrual cycle and sauna therapy

Read more about fashion magazine by Prenoy Yonerp

How Different Colors Affect your Mind

Most people love color and want to paint every room in their house. Others don't care for it at all. If you are thinking of repainting you need to keep one thing in mind. Colors can effect out mood and make us sad or happy; they affect our eating habits and even our heart rate.

For years scientists have been studying how different colors affect your mind and the world around you, but it wasn't until recently that scientists have been able to prove their theories.

Colors in general provoke emotions and influence us in ways we can never even imagine. That is why it is so important to consult a color therapist if there is something going on in your life that is not positive.

The mood effect created by room colors is at its strongest when you've painted the walls a particular color. And this is why color choices should be considered first when you start planning to redecorate.

The exposure to certain colors has a direct effect on both the pineal and pituitary glands which affects our overall hormonal production. This leads to how we feel emotionally. Based in both science and spiritual healing, color therapy can help promote positive general health.

The result gives me some general ideas of the different functions of different colors.

The red is known as a color full energy, it has been shown to raise the blood pressure, speed respiration and heart rate. This means that it is a color that can make your babies exciting, on the other hand, it also suggest that, it is not the right color for your little sweets' bedroom that excitement is not a suitable mood for easy-sleeping.

Blue. If you were to ask people their favorite color, many would say blue.One reason might be that the color blue creates a feeling of peace and tranquility. It's also a color that implies hard work and loyalty.

Green. Like blue, green is a calming color, especially when it's a shade similar to those in nature. But while blue conveys hard work, green is associated with money and success. The color is prevalent in preppy and conservative fashion, and wearing green says you're ambitious and ready to succeed.

Experts also suggest the use of pink that can help little girls to be more clear to the identification of genders; they are more like to put themselves in the position of feminine by doing it.

Pale pink is a great color for blonds and includes those of the male persuasion as well. Let's not forget pale blue and soft lavender either. So, don't tell the men in your life it makes him less of a man. Wearing pink and lavender won't denounce his masculinity.

How about a bright yellow Sunflower how does that make you feel, joyful and hopeful? Do warm sunny images bring happiness to your thoughts?

Yellow can be used to enhance your concentration and imagination. We use yellow legal pads for business and schoolwork. Wonder why they are yellow?

There are many variations of color shades, and sometimes even small differences can change the entire mood of a room when they're used for decorating. It's helpful to know the basics, but if you're thinking of an unusual color for a decorating theme.

Understanding color helps us to communicate, giving visual vibrations that push objects forward for attention or reduces them to the background.

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Read more about beauty tips by Prenoy Yonerp

Health Benefits of Green Vegetables

Vegetable is the hot favourite of everyone especially the youth; they love to eat green leafy vegetables. Sounds weird right but how good it would be if this statement becomes a fact.

We know that we should be eating more fresh vegetables and fruits. It's not always easy, but the long term benefits are worth the extra effort.

Vegetables act as nutritional power-house to man. It contains vitamins and minerals which are good sources of dietary fibre. They are naturally low in fat, sodium and calories and contain no cholesterol. Vegetables have phytochemicals.

This is a group of compounds that may help prevent chronic diseases such as hearth disease, diabetes, and some cancers.

When it comes to vegetables, the leafy greens are supreme in quality. These supreme greens are loaded with vitamins, minerals and phytonutruents, so be sure to include these in your diet.

Here I am going to put before you the benefits of vegetables so that as soon as possible this statement becomes a fact.

One of the biggest advantages of green vegetables is that they can tell you a lot about their nutritional value. The darker the color of a leafy green, the higher the antioxidants. Eating more salads is great.

When you eat fruits and vegetables try to eat as much organic produce as possible. This will cut back on pesticides and other poisons. This will lesson the strain on your organs.

It is so important to eat green leafy vegetables daily, because they are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Green, leafy vegetables prevent certain diseases, like cancer.

They also prevent cardiac problems, since they are low in fat. They also have a good supply of omega 3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart.

Root vegetables are of importance in the diet for the simple reason that they are filing, carbohydrate being their main food factor. Green vegetables are generally eaten in the form of vegetable stews and soups.

The fiber found in dark, leafy greens helps with digestion. Fiber actually has 2 benefits. First, it cannot be digested by your body. That means that it cannot be broken down so it will give you a feeling of being full longer. Second, it helps your digestive system actually move food more quickly.

The healthiest people in the world eat mainly fresh vegetables and fruits, preferably raw. Combining these with nuts, seeds and getting natural sunlight, keeps them in top shape.

The health benefits of green vegetables are many in number they even have anti-aging qualities and also give bone strength. These qualities of green leafy vegetables are also advantageous for those suffering from type-2 diabetes.

Each plant has a unique quality to pull different elements from water, soil, sun, and the air. The correct balance of these substances will keep us living healthy. Also it will provide us with the proper nutrients we need to survive and look and feel better than ever.

When you choose the greens you want to consume, make sure that you purchase only the freshest vegetables with a fine green color. They will need to be washed as soon as you get home and placed in a plastic bag, doing this will keep them fresh for longer time.

Explore more hair care also read live a healthy lifestyle and raw foods

Read more about fashion magazine by Prenoy Yonerp

Tips on How to Wear a Scarf

Scarves are probably the best convenient and trendy fashion accessories which can be placed along with any kind of ladies apparel to produce excellent dresses which are on fad maintaining true with the most recent females style.

Aside from covering your neck to help keep you warm the main reason that people used to wear scarves was to cover their heads.No matter what reason you have for wearing a scarf on your head you want to make sure that you look good while doing it.

An advantage of scarves is they are usually put on in a wide variety of methods based on the appearance that you would like to obtain. Below are a few tips on how to wear a scarf.

The most important consideration when trying to use one as an adornment for the head is the type of material that it is made of. A textured fabric would be ideal to use for a head scarf as it will not be as slippery as compared to satin or even silk materials.

Headband: Keep hair away from your face by using your scarf as a headband. Fold any kind of scarf into a strip. Place the center of the scarf over your head. Gather the ends of the scarf at your nape and tie both ends together.

Worn as a bow in front of the neck. Take the scarf and fold it over and over diagonally until it is just two inches wide. Wrap around neck with the tips dangling loosely in front. Tie what is left into a bow as close to your neck as you can.

Business attire usually commands darker hues such as black, gray or white. You can match scarves of the opposite color. For example, if you plan to wear a black pantsuit, match it with a white, beige or gray scarf. Wearing scarves that have the same color as your blazer can be predictable and bland.

A simple loop around the neck is a common way to tie scarf. However, you can make some change if you make good use of the scarf pattern and texture.

As a Hood.This one is more of an urban chic approach to an infinity scarf.All you have to do is place it around your head, then twist and loop it back over your head for a headscarf/neck scarf variation that is insanely fashionable.

It can be wrapped around your waist like a belt. For this one you are going to need a longer than normal scarf. Fold the scarf diagonally until it is about three inches wide. Envelop the waist with the scarf,with the ends hanging at the left or right side around your waist.Tie ends in a knot.

You can find a vast number of scarves on the market to match all kinds of apparel which includes females knitwear types which is often put on with the outdoor jacket to get a comfortable and classy appearance. You may also put on a vintage silk scarf with an attire to get a traditional look

Opt for lightweight infinity scarves as it will give you more options while a thicker chunkier one will be more difficult to play around with.

Be cautious about using scarves for women with prints. Prints have the tendency to look louder and more casual, hence they may be better set aside for business meetings.You can be more creative, however, provided that the prints are not too loud and are isolated.

Lastly, you can use other accessories in addition to the scarf.Note that these accessories are meant to complement the scarf and not to overpower them.Examples of suitable accessories are pearls, small brooches and beads.

A scarf is a fashion accessory which never goes out of style - you won't be far from a chic, elegant look if you wrap and tie frequently.

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Benefits of Bare Lifts

What woman doesn't need a bit more support with her bra? A good bra should provide support and help make a woman's breasts perkier and properly covered. Unfortunately most bras are not able to stand up to this challenge and fail miserably.

The concept of being able to go virtually braless but still having the support of wearing a bra sounds almost too good to be true. In most cases you would probably think it really is too good to be true and go on about your business.

No more dreadfully uncomfortable bras that make you feel like you're being hugged by a Cyberman and that require the dexterity of an octopus to get on and off.

Bare Lift bra, like all the best products are very simple - they are clever, unobtrusive adhesive patches that you fix around your nipple line. You then lift your breast until it is to the height you require, peel off the adhesive backing and stick the strip to your skin.Lets discuss benefits of bare lifts:

These imperceptible Bare Lifts require no surgery, no aching, and require no darning to you skin.Bare Lifts are suitable for your daily wear making you at your ease. One Bare Lift lasts as long as 24 hours, you can easily take it out and dispose it off.

Bare Lifts is one of the best ways to get good comfortable shape. Unlike ordinary products, it doesn't cause rashes and pain. The best part of the product is that it gets easily fit into any bra and looks & feels just like real breasts.

The Bare Lifts is basically a strapless bra support pad which is much more comfortable and supporting than most strapless bras. It is even water resistant so you can wear your swimsuit and go in and out of the water without any worries of losing your support.

There are sizes for every sized women so no matter if your breasts are size A through D you can find Bare Lifts that will fit you.

The feel of the adhesive takes a little bit of getting used to, but it's nowhere near as restrictive as having to wear a horrible tight bra. And boy, what a difference these Bare Lifts make to the shape of your chest! Just think; now you can wear those backless, strapless dresses.

Having good pecs is only half the story; breasts themselves contain no muscle tissue and to put it bluntly are always going to sag as you get older especially after having kids.

Bare Lifts helps in maintaining that sexy figure look even if the child birth, weight gain and other changes with the course of time have made you look older than your age.No bulges, no lines, no discomfort; no fear of the damned thing coming undone like a bra.

Every woman should wear a bra no matter how small chested she may be. The Bare Lifts is the perfect solution and addition to any woman's lingerie collection to help keep her supported and looking stunning in all her clothes.

It is an excellent way to artificially uplift your confidence and overall personality.It is not only cheaper than other products but, guarantees a good shape.It provides you a look you have always dreamt of.

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Read more about beauty tips by Prenoy Yonerp

Planning a Cocktail Party

One of the easiest type of party to throw during the holiday season is the cocktail party. Most of the work can be done before the guests arrive, so this means the host/hostess of the party can relax and enjoy mingling with friends.

Planning a cocktail party can be a challenge. It has the all same key elements as other parties-venue, guests, food, drinks, music, etc.-but the drinks typically are center stage.

From trendy wedding receptions to themed charity benefits, hosting cocktail party events have become a stylish and fun way of entertaining. The perfect fit for a multitude of venues.Here are few ideas for cocktail party:

The first step in cocktail party planning is to create your guest list. You do not want to target one personality type. Variety is the spice of life. Include guests that are interesting, cheerful, outgoing and friendly.

Get as much of your food and decoration shopping done ahead of time as you can. Plan your menu out ahead of time and buy the necessary ingredients so you will have them on hand that day.

Decide on the number of glasses you will use, and what type. This usually is a overlooked item on this part of the planning stage, even though it is actually a high-priority aspect of any celebrated event.

Plan the kinds of finger foods you will serve and make arrangements to have them delivered an hour before the start of the party. The amount of food is optional on your party because it is not a dinner party.

Use special recipes in concocting your drinks. Keep printed copies of them readily available, just in case. Never fail to measure your mixes. Do not just estimate because your guests will not appreciate overly strong drinks.

One refreshing cocktail catering presentation for cocktail parties is to present a new twist on an old idea. Skewer a piece of cooked shrimp and instead of serving it with a bowl of cocktail sauce serve the shrimp in a shot glass already filled with the sauce.

The primary focus is the drinks along with good conversation. For this reason often there is not a lot of concern to have tables and seating for everyone, as the setting is more commonly designed for people to mill around as they munch and drink.

The garnishes can be prepped ahead of time and kept in the refrigerator. The drinks you serve will determine what garnishes you need. I always prep limes, oranges, cherries, pineapples, cocktail onions and olives.

If you are wanting something a little heartier, grilled crostini bread topped with cream cheese, smoked salmon and capers is always a good choice. Serving bruschetta is quick and easy.Always have on-hand plenty of ice, drink stirrers and cocktail napkins.

A successful cocktail party often features an exciting mix of people enjoying great drinks, food, conversation, music, and the night. If you are organized and have planned well, hosting a cocktail party can be a lot of fun!

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Ruby Rings for Women

In case of engagement rings there are different types of gemstone that you can choose from and ruby rings are certainly one of them. These days we see that there is a huge demand and craze for ruby rings among people.

The bright red color of ruby embedded in a beautiful silver, gold or platinum ring, is no doubt a perfect gift for the one you love. The red color of this gemstone itself symbolizes love.

Jewelry has always fascinated women. Whether it is a neck piece, ear rings or simply a ring, all charms and attracts women.

The Ruby jewelry has always been in demand as it is a universal favorite. It is almost impossible to find a lady who doesn't love ruby ring. It is the special birthstone of the people born in the month of July.

As gemstone, ruby symbolizes brilliance, optimism, royalty, good fortune and confidence. However it's mostly perceived as a symbol of love. While sapphire stands for faith and purity in love, ruby signifies the passion and romance side of it.

Now one of the important factors that you must keep in mind is the fact about the selection process.

Even if you have low budget and you are wishing to gift you're a beautiful and elegant ruby rind, then buying a cheap ruby ring is the best option.

When you go for ruby ring shopping then you will see that the jewelry has some inclusions in it but don't lose your sleep over it as it is almost impossible to find a ruby stone without any flaws in it.

In case of gemstones the color is very important and the quality of the stone is directly proportional to the depth of the color.

Always remember that anybody offering you a handsome discount on rubies is not selling you the genuine product. The quality may suffer at the color, cut, weight, or the carat of the ruby.

A deep red colored stone with some inclusions do change the shades slightly, but will cost less. A perfect ruby stone would be transparent and are very rare. These clear ruby gems will cost you more than a diamond with the same clarity.

Ruby rings come in a variety of shapes and sizes to match any persona, personality or daily function of the person for whom you are buying the ring. All ruby jewelry designs and styles are secure enough for daily use.

It is difficult to say which one between ruby and diamond worth more. Comparing the hardness between two gemstones, diamond is tougher than the ruby. According to Mohs' scale diamonds are toughest at 10 and rubies are at 9. So, proper care should be taken while cleaning the rubies.

Your loved one cannot ask anything more if you surprise her with the ruby ring on a valentine's day or show your love towards your wife with these rings on an anniversary.

Ruby rings are the perfect gift for woman. They can be worn with any kind of dress and at any occasion. One does not need to wait for a special occasion to adorn this ring. It looks elegant and beautiful!!

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Read more about fashion magazine by Prenoy Yonerp

Online Dating Methods

Using the internet to look for a potential partner in life is not easy. In fact, it can be quite dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. This article reveals internet dating tips that are useful if you're venturing into the online dating scene, making sure that you avoid any problems that come up during your escapades.

The world wide web has spawned hundreds of dating sites from those aimed at swingers just wanting sex with strangers to those aiming to help people genuinely find a soul-mate. Some of the dating tips here will apply to users of swingers' sites but they're really intended for people looking for a serious relationship.

Your first step is to choose between a free site and a paid one. I usually use the free sites for obvious reasons (it's free). However, I have used paid sites in the past such as "lava life" and there are benefits to them.

If you want total control of the information that is revealed to the world through internet dating chatrooms, don't use your personal or your work-related email. You should sign up for a free email account with Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail specifically to use for chatting online.

Always make sure your online persona is absolutely close to reality as possible. Yes, some folks will invest a great deal of time in trying to make an online "character" that is more impressive than the "real thing".

Practice Caution When Meeting Your Online Date.Ensuring your safety is one of the vital internet dating tips that you should be practicing while making use of the service, especially when you plan to meet them face to face.

Spend some time with the person on the service, while checking out their background information whether they are lying or not. If you have a gut feeling that there is something wrong with this person, then heed this warning to avoid possible mishaps in the future.

One of the best internet dating tips is to not add abbreviations such as gsoh for good sense of humour - demonstrate it in what you write if you are humorous by nature, if that's not you then be serious, but be aware that a sense of fun is attractive.

The pictures in your profile can either make you or break you. A lot of times, it's the first thing that the girls will see on your profile. You want to have a wide variety of pictures (4-7).

Ask broad questions as well as detailed ones. Then, when you meet up with the person, you can see how their conversation matches up to their online answers. Above all, make sure that when you meet up with a person that you have come into contact with via online dating methods.

Once you are serious about the trust issue and feeling like your relationship may be progressing, you want her to feel exclusive and special. She will need to be number one on My Space, as childish as it sounds, it is important.

Believe it or not, with all these Internet dating tips, when you finally do meet it will be a wonderful experience like none other. That is because your trust is greater and stronger simply because it was established in such a awkward situation.

Explore more fashion magazine also read dating techniques and how to handle a breakup

Read more about beauty tips by Prenoy Yonerp

How to Get Glossy Hair Naturally

Everyone is dreaming of having shiny hair but getting one is not an easy thing. Most of the time you need to spend a lot of money just to get the right results you wanted. If you happen to have long hair then you need more time and even energy if you want to keep it healthy and shiny.

If you want to get glossy hair naturally then make a good hair care routine. It is also essential to make a well balanced diet menu by including lot of biotin, vitamin E, vitamin A and Vitamin C rich food sources into it. Here are some tips on how to get glossy hair naturally without spending a ton of time and money.

Shiny hair is a sign of someone that is healthy and in order for us to look healthy, we actually have to be healthy. Making sure you have a good diet is one of the best ways to keep your hair shiny. Make sure you eat plenty of omega-3 rich foods, such as tuna and salmon.

Healthy hair requires a balanced source of iron in the body. Fish is a great natural source of iron. Some people complain that when they change shampoo, it works fine for several washes; then hair goes duller; it losses its shine.It is natural shiny hair care.

Brush your hair using a natural bristled brush while dry. Avoid brushing on damp hair. Now, give your scalp an olive oil massage. Apply olive oil on your scalp and massage your scalp for a few minutes. Wrap your locks in a bun or if you want you can also use a shower cap. Leave it on for about two to three hours.

Using too many styling products dulls the hair so stick to one or two necessary items. Gels and creams are ideal for normal hair whereas pomades are better for thick or coarse hair. Straightening and blow drying are fine as long as you religiously use a protective product.

Keep hydrated (and this one works for your skin too!) Place tiny bowls of water on radiators in rooms in your home and workplace if possible. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to these to make them smell nice.

Do not shampoo everyday. If you are just staying in your house and you do not spend much time outside you can leave your hair alone for some time from shampooing. Too much shampooing can strip off the natural oil of which in turn will make it brittle and dull.

Drink lots of water every day. You should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day so you get the necessary hydration to your body and mane. Both internal hydration and external hydration are very important in keeping yourself healthy and your curls shiny.

Conditioning is also imperative on how to get shiny hair tips. Deep condition your hair. This should be done once a week but if you love to put style products and even love to change the color of your hair then you should deep condition your it twice a week.

There are no short-cuts to shiny hair. In fact, getting lovely and shiny hair entails a lot of hard work and dedication to maintain its beauty. Along with it, you also need to use the right hair products to help you achieve your dream of having shiny, lovely and gorgeous hair.

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Read more about hair care by Prenoy Yonerp

Remedies to Get Rid of Vagina Smell

Almost every woman has experienced vaginal odor at some point in her life, but most women think that it is natural. This is not the case. Vaginal odor occurs because there is an infection inside of you and the smell is a symptom. It is not natural for women to have a fishy vaginal odor to their bodies.

How to rid of vaginal odor may seem like a difficult thing to do. Especially when you're not sure how to get rid of it. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some tips on how to get rid of vaginal odor. That way, you will know how to eliminate the fishy odor.

The first solution is to change some of your hygiene habits. The reason why you may have gotten this infection in the first place is due to wiping in the wrong direction. When a woman wipes from back to front, she runs the risk of getting fecal matter inside of the body.

Washing your most private area with a gentle washcloth 2-3 times a day will greatly relieve the smell. Remember to be gentle so you don't worsen or irritate your infection. As well, allow the area to get some oxygen and some airflow, as oxygen inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Pay attention to what you eat. Stay away from foods that contain high carbohydrates and artificial sweetener and spices Avoid spicy and greasy food which causes sweating and body odor.

Tight undergarments made of spandex, leather, or lace trap and intensify vaginal odors. Instead, wear loose cotton panties that allow the vagina to "breathe."

Wearing cotton underwear throughout your day and night provides a healthy barrier between bacteria but also, allows the area to get the sufficient oxygen that it needs to heal.

If you have burning or constant itching in the vaginal region, this can easily be mitigated by adding two cups of apple cider vinegar to your bathwater. Using the vinegar is the fourth method that will help you get rid of vaginal odor that smells fishy.

The simplest natural remedies to get rid of vagina smell is yogurt. Apply it lavishly on a tampon and leave it inside the vagina for a few hours. Repeat this every day and within 3 days your odor will disappear.

Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day and have lots of fresh fruits which are rich in antioxidants like apple, cranberry and prunes.

Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. If none of the above suggestions work, you may have been exposed to an STD such as chlamydia or pelvic inflammatory disease. See your gynecologist and be honest with him or her about your suspicions.

Unprotected sexual intercourse can also interfere with the natural vaginal flora. This is because the male semen is alkaline in nature while our vagina is acidic. Many a times the semen is responsible for disturbing the vaginal pH balancing and causing the undesirable smell. Hence ALWAYS make use of condoms while having sex.

Natural methods to get rid of vaginal odor actually enhance and strengthen the body's immune system which does not only cure this condition fast, but also has other general health benefits. They are also very inexpensive when compared to the cost of over the counter treatments and prescriptions for antibiotics.

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Read more about beauty tips by Prenoy Yonerp

Types of Yoga Practices

Yoga is becoming a more and more popular activity in the Western world today. The number of places holding Yoga classes is on the increase and there is a plethora of different types of Yoga. With a choice of Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Bikram Yoga.

Some of the most common types of yoga are Iyenga. This yoga is solely based on alignment and accurate movements.When working out the Iyengar way props are used such as straps and blocks for beginners who are not as flexible as the experts in this field. By using these yoga props it helps the beginner to relax and give comfort therefore encouraging beneficial results.

If you have not tried it before then you might be confused by the many differing varieties of Yoga practices that are available. Before deciding which sort of exercise is right for you it is an excellent idea to attend a class of each style that interests you.

Bhakti Yoga   The first system we will discuss it is Bhakti yoga. Bhakti yoga is a practice in which the spiritual practitioner focuses on developing a state of devotion within the mind and the heart. In bhakti yoga a strong sense of faith is needed as one is expected to submit themselves to God through a process of self surrendering.

Bikram Yoga: known as hot yoga is where routines are carried out in a very warm room. This is an excellent way for increasing flexibility, heat can stretch body tissue. Health matters like cardio - vascular disease makes this type of common yoga off limits for a patient.

Ashtanga Yoga - this is the type of Yoga that I practice on a regular basis and means "eight limbs" in Sanskrit. It's a fast moving, intense style of Yoga practice and is based on a progressive set sequence of asanas, synchronized with the breath. Ashtanga Yoga can be quite physically demanding.

Viniyoga.These types of yoga links breathe and movement in flowing exercises that
are adapted to each individual. These are often a good form of yoga for those with
back problems or neck injuries because it can be easily adapted by anyone.

Yin yoga is developed by Paul Grilley, and is a tranquil type of yoga, which focuses on deep stretching and balancing of the body. In Yin Yoga positions are held for a long time. Yin yoga combines wisdom from Taoism and Chinese acupuncture with the Indian yoga philosophy.

Kundalini - Kundalini Yoga is targeted essentially on the breath and its effect on energy. This focuses often on fast, repeated movements rather than on drawn out poses. There's also plenty of reflection practiced in Kundalini Yoga.

Tri Yoga is a trinity of physical poses, breathing, and focus on a combination of flow and static positions. Characteristic of this type of yoga is the use of wave-like backbone movements and breathing exercises. The founder Kali Ray has created seven levels of severity and meditative content.

Some yoga types may sound a little shocking in what is expected of you but never judge the book by the cover. Why not try out an exercise for your self. The Mantra yoga: more known as yoga of potent - targets liberation through mental or verbal repetition of noises and sounds.

Explore more hair care also read crash diets and health benefits of yogurt

Read more about fashion magazine by Prenoy Yonerp

Cure Sweaty Hands Naturally

Gaining knowledge of how to stop sweaty hands is a common issue amongst those that are suffering from sweaty palms, which is known to ruin a good handshake. When it comes to joining up with others, having palms that sweat a great deal might often be a major annoyance for you personally.

Do you want quickly cure sweaty hands naturally? With the guidelines below, you can naturally and quickly cure your sweaty palms today.

Don't worry though, it is not medically serious however, it cannot be cured (since sweating is a natural human function) but instead it can be treated or reduced.So lets start..

Almost always carry a cloth that can drink up sweat inside your pocket. The cloth will definitely be of use to you before you shake a person's hands, and if you walk around with your hands in your pockets before you shake someone else's hands.

Drinking lots of water is the first thing to consider and practice. You may feel that drinking water will make you sweat more but this is just a myth. When the temperature of your body raises the more amount of sweat is produced, when you intake lots of fluid your body is able to maintain itself by cooling internally.

High stress levels can also cause sweaty hands. A person having nervous temperament will definitely suffer from sweaty hands because the emotional response triggers the glands producing sweat in the palms.

There is another natural remedy for this problem too. Prepare tea and water mixture, boil it for sometime. Then allow this complete mixture to turn lukewarm and then put your hands in it for nearly 25 to 35 minutes.

Even though baby powder is good for covering up sweat, foot powder soaks up a lot better and its so much more useful for discovering how to stop sweaty hands. Place the foot powder on the palm and it'll absorb the sweat from your hands rapidly.

If you like drinking coffee, tea, soda or any other thing that has a lot of caffeine in it, please cut out as caffeine is known to raise the body temperature. Hence it can lead to excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis problem and thus should be avoided.

Apart from these techniques and golden rules for getting rid of sweaty hands you also have to take personal care and stay hygienic. Washing hands again and again can lessen your sweaty palms, keep a handkerchief to dry your hands and palms again and again.

Lavender and chamomile can do wonders to cure sweaty hands as they provide a long-term fragrance throughout the day. Always avoid spices such as garlic and onions as well as extremely spicy foods which trigger excessive sweating.

Wheat grass is powerful natural solution that can kick your sweaty palms to the curb. This solution is loaded with vitamin B, a crucial mineral that will help decrease your excessive sweating. So if you want to stop the annoying sweat on your hands, drink 1-2 glasses of wheat grass daily.

The condition of sweaty hands is embarrassing. Get rid of this embarrassing condition with the help of guidelines mentioned above. If you implement these guidelines then you will surely get rid of sweaty palms right away.

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Natural Mole Removal Tips

Are those black and brown spots on your face giving you a tough time? Some of the large skin moles can look ugly and cause some embarrassment. You see, getting rid of moles on your face with surgery can be very expensive and may also result in some scarring.

If you find that your moles cause you embarrassment, but don't want to pay an arm and a leg to get rid of the mole, you might find that a natural mole remover is just the ticket to help your skin become clearer and free from moles. Natural mole removal applications have been around much longer than surgery.

Here's the list of home remedies to remove moles I managed to get from the Internet that claimed to be effective for mole removal.

Take cotton ball and dip it in apple cider vinegar. Apply the cotton soaked in apple cider vinegar to the mole. Use a band-aid or a tape used for skin to hold the cotton with apple cider vinegar. Do this every night for 7 to 10 days. Slowly your mole will dry up and fall off.

Onion juice is another substance that can be used to remove moles. Apply the onion juice once a day directly to the mole for 2 to 3 weeks. Once again, don't stop halfway through the treatment.

Garlic in fact will work wonders when it comes to your moles! Applying the juice of garlic on your mole will evenly disperse the mole's cluster cells and will thereby do away with the mole itself! This kind of mole removal ensures that there is no reoccurrence as well!

Get some iodine tincture from drugstore and apply it onto your mole for 2 to 3 days consecutively. Use it before you go to sleep and leave it overnight to allow it soak into the mole. You will see your mole to be totally gone after 3 days.

Apply fresh pineapple juice onto the mole and leave it overnight. Wash it off the next morning. Alternatively you can put a small slice of pineapple onto the mole, and wrap it around with a simple bandage to keep it in place. The mole is said to vanish after few applications.

Other remedies include the banana peel trick. Simply rub the banana peel over the mole; you may want to cover this area with a bandage so that the peel does not rub off. Repeat this process for several days or until the mole fall off.

Another excellent home mole removal technique makes use of cumin seeds. Grind the seeds to create a paste and apply it to the moles on your skin. If required use a cloth and tape to hold the paste. Leave the paste overnight. This technique even helps to heal bleeding moles.

I hope these tips have given you some handles on what to do when you are thinking of whether to remove your moles. If you are keen to know more about how to remove moles naturally and easily from home with special home remedies, without spending large sums of money at the dermatologist.

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Health Benefits of Aerobics

Aerobic exercise (also known as aerobics, cardiovascular exercise, or cardio) is any sustained, rhythmic activity that primarily uses your larger muscles, such as your quadriceps and hamstrings, and challenges your heart and lungs.

Many of us have heard about the health benefits of aerobics. When we do aerobics, our heart and lungs work hard to pump oxygen-rich blood to feed the tissues in our body. As we put our heart to exercise, our heart muscle wall becomes stronger and pumps blood throughout the body with less effort.

There are just too many benefits of aerobic exercise to mention in just a single article and in brief.All the same, there are a few which stick out as very crucial.

Aerobic activity is not only beneficial for cancer prevention, there is also some emerging evidence that physical exercise might assist in the treatment of cancer as well.

While making your heart and lungs strong, aerobics will also make all of your muscles stronger because you have to keep them moving for long periods of time without stopping. This means that no matter what part of your body you are targeting with aerobics, you're going to see as time goes on you are going to get stronger and stronger.

The heart can greatly benefit from aerobic exercises. Consistently doing these exercises improves contraction of the heart muscles. This means that the heart is working efficiently. It does not need to tire itself out to supply blood to the body.

Aerobic exercise also stimulates the production of norepinephrine. This body chemical may help eliminate depression. People who are depressed typically have low levels of norepinephrine so aerobic exercise may help combat this type of depression.

Aerobics help keep your weight within your ideal range. Not all slim people are healthy. Extreme thinness can have its own set of problems to contend with. Obesity and extreme thinness are at opposite ends of the weight spectrum.

It can help increase your stamina and help you manage stress. A session of aerobic activity can help you relax after a stressful day at work. It can even improve your sexual performance.

Aerobic exercise also causes the body to heat up and sweat. Body heat helps to calm the muscles while sweat moves toxins out of the body. Large accumulations of toxins in the body are known to cause many health problems. By sweating out these toxins, you are improving your health.

Strengthens the respiratory system. Exercising aerobically improves the efficiency with which the respiratory system can supply oxygen to the body. The cells in the body need a constant and generous amount of oxygen to carry out their vital functions.

Aerobic exercise also strengthens your arms and your leg muscles, helping your endurance and increasing your rate of metabolism. You can choose at what level of activity you want to participate in.

ke sure you have the green light from your doctor so you can start getting the benefits of aerobics straight away! You will never feel as fit and healthy as you do when you are working out and taking care of yourself. Getting into an aerobics routine is, by far, the best way for you to achieve this.

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Way to Cure Infertility

For any couple that has made the decision to get pregnant, infertility is a frightening and quite common possibility. In fact, one of every seven couples experiences difficulties while trying to conceive.

In medical information, infertility is described as diminished ability to conceive (in females) or to produce adequate number of sperms (in males) after having regular, at least for a year, and unprotected intercourse.

What are the causes of infertility problems? There are various reasons for both male and female suffer infertility. They may due to our lifestyle factors like smoking, caffeine, alcohol or certain sexual practices. For males, they might be low sperm count or low sperm motility, unknown injury, sperm blockage and aging.

Curing your infertility naturally is by far the best way. It is a method that is free from side effects and allows you to take control of your own health. The problem is, many women and men don't know how to take control of their own fertility.

As far as infertility is concerned, acupuncture therapy provides a natural, time honored boost to help couples conceive, eliminating the need for undergoing costly fertility tests for identifying causes of the problem.

If you eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, like white bread, pasta, and white rice, you will be depriving your body of many nutrients needed to help you balance your hormones and become pregnant. Too many refined carbohydrates cause the release of insulin which can lead to irregular ovulation. .Eat whole grains instead.

Stress is related to female infertility, and is something that is just a part of normal life. This one can be hard to overcome, but if you learn to take a break you would be doing your mind and your body a lot of good.

Special foods also have a positive effect on fertility. The Pomegranate for example reportedly normalizes the female reproductive system, fish eggs on the other hand prevent problems of the thyroid gland and promote fertility.

Coffee can constrict blood vessels, slowing blood flow to the uterus and potentially making it harder to get pregnant so restrict your intake or consider avoiding it altogether.

Alcohol can harm a developing fetus and some studies show a link between drinking alcohol and difficulty in conceiving. It destroys nutrients too. You don't need it.

It is also important to check you iron levels. In several studies women who suffered from infertility and took iron supplements were able to conceive even though their doctors were skeptical. The reason for this is simple: iron prevents anemia and increases fertility.

A very simple way to cure infertility is to understand the cycle of your body. Get familiar with the time when your body undergoes ovulation. Having sex either before or during the ovulation is believed to increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Infertility problems may occur in females as well as males. Though, the cures for both may vary to an extent but certain precautions must be taken by both the genders. The most important thing to do in this situation is talk with your partner.

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Benefits of Tree Tea Oil

It's no secret that we live in a fallen world filled with viruses, bacteria and toxins. In spite of the causes, God has provided an abundant supply of natural resources to assist us with preventing and curing illness. You need not always turn to pharmaceuticals for aid. Tea Tree Essential Oil is one natural resource you need to pay attention to.

Tea tree essential oil is a very potent anti bacterial, anti septic and anti viral agent. It can help cure many skin diseases right on contact. The aborigines used it to treat wounds as it can kill viruses that could later on lead to infection.

Its uses for skin disorders and diseases are innumerable. It has become famous during the 2nd world war because many soldiers carry with them a bottle of tea tree essential oil because it was a very good first aid treatment for wounds.

Recent studies have shown amazing health benefits of tree tea oil when used as a natural curative. With the scent that is much like nutmeg, it is light yellow oil that is the product of steamed tea tree leaves. The oil is extracted from the steamed leaves and then used in multiple kinds of natural treatments.

The anti-fungal qualities of this oil make it ideal for treating fungal infections like athlete's foot and thrush. Unlike other prescribed treatments, it is gentler on the body and no side effects. It does take a longer time to heal though.

The health benefits of tree tea oil is most credited for is its richness in various antioxidants which has a biological role in eliminating free radicals. It is involved in eliminating serious diseases and fight ageing.

Other common uses of trea tea oil are for the treatment of blemishes and boils, Acne, genital warts, inflamed gums, plaque and bad breath. Using about three drops of the oil in a cup of warm water as a mouthwash a couple times a day will help to reduce irritation caused from dental surgery.

When use for massage, tea tree essential oil can help in the relaxation of the body. It can calm the nerves and free the mind of any unwanted thoughts that can cause stress. It's almost minty and herbaceous aroma aid clearing the mind and spirit to be able to completely relax.

It is a very good balsamic also. Tea tree oil can help the body absorb the nutrients and minerals we get from food. It does help to the body to boost its energy and at the same time become healthier. As a balsamic it aids in getting rid of diseases that normally attack one's body.

Diseases of the respiratory system, like sinusitis, throat infections, bronchitis, and other cases that would benefit from the use of a steam machine, can be aided by adding a few drops of Tea Tree either to the water in the machine, or to the oil reservoir in the top. This is especially helpful for kids.

Apart from its medicinal uses, It can be used as an insect repellant. Mix tea tree oil and water in equal quantities and wipe down kitchen surfaces. You will find your kitchen completely pest free!

Indeed this oil has so many uses that practically every house in Australia has a bottle of it in its medicinal box.

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Low Cholesterol Eating Plan

Maintaining a healthy diet is important to anyone trying to improve their overall health, but for those who have high cholesterol levels it is essential, and there are foods that should be avoided and certain foods that are recommended to actually lower cholesterol levels.

Let us first understand what this cholesterol is - It is a waxy fat-like substance naturally made in the liver of our body. Though cholesterol holds a thorough 'bad guy image,' surprisingly it serves many vital functions for our healthy living.

There are three ways of lowering down the level of LDL. Either you can opt for dietary measures, physical workouts or cholesterol medications. Dietary controls in consonance with physical workouts offer you a long run solution but immediate slump in LDL cholesterol could be only brought about by certain medications that check excess deposition of bad cholesterol.

If there exists a great surge in LDL or bad cholesterol level doctors may recommend you cholesterol medications but normally this soared level of LDL cholesterol is brought back to normalcy with the help of certain natural ways that may include exercises and herbal treatments. This natural remedy is free of side effects that you may face with synthetic cholesterol drug consumption.

The way to achieving a healthy body and to reduce high levels of cholesterol is to have a balanced healthy eating diet. This is not as bland as it may sound to some who have already tried to keep to a low fat regime. Most fats can be substituted for something far healthier.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following- a balanced diet consisting of all the essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber; drink sufficient amount of water and develop a regular exercise regime. This will help reduce the amount of cholesterol intake. A healthy and balanced diet is a must for anyone who is trying to reduce the cholesterol level in their body.

Introducing fish into your diet is highly recommended as it contains omega 3 oils which are polyunsaturated fatty acids and are effective in preventing the formation of blood clots which are the root causes of strokes and coronary disease such as heart attacks.

If preparing poultry do not fry but remove the skin and cook either in the oven or gill for a healthy options. It is always preferable to choose lean cuts of meat over those with a high fat content. Better still, ensure you have good levels of omega 3 in your diet, which is contained in fresh fish and is known to help reduce levels of cholesterol.

For those who have high levels of bad cholesterol, LDL, a diet rich in fiber is encouraged. Fiber can be found in significant quantities in fruits, vegetables, oats and cereals. This kind of diet has proven to be most effective reducing the LDL levels in the body and thus lowering the risk of coronary disease.

It isn't just food that should be monitored but beverages also. Moderation is the key and one glass of red wine a day is actually permitted. Fluid intake is important as long as you limit the amount of alcohol to a moderate amount and include fruit juices, mineral water and non fat milk.

Statins reduce the cholesterol in our body by blocking the enzyme HMG-CoA. Formation of this enzyme is one of the important functions in the steps involved in the conversion of fats in to cholesterol. These are most effective form of drugs lowing blood cholesterol made till date.

To summarize, follow the key principles to healthy eating programme by steaming vegetables as this will retain their vitamin and mineral content, and to avoid or severely restrict oily fried food or food that has a high cholesterol content like red meat.By following a sensible low cholesterol eating plan, taking regular daily exercise, and avoiding fatty and processed foods you can effectively tackle the problem of high cholesterol and enjoy a healthier life.

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Injurious Effects of Smoking

While smoking is a habit that is hard to break, there are many alternatives for this activity. Here are some simple tips for quitting smoking effectively. The first tip is to develop a strong personal conviction and commitment to really want to stop oneself from smoking.

There are many ways tips and old wives tales for dealing with the short term problems when quitting smoking but helpful tips for quitting smoking in the long term are often ignored even though many people can quit for a few weeks then relapse again.

The pirouette technique can be substituted to use any other kind product. You could use the twizzlers candy, a kit-kat bar, or even a snickers bar. The pirouette is the most effective, but anyone of these candies will do. Try this technique out today and give it a try. It just might work effectively for you.

Another effective method in the realm of useful tips to stop smoking is that all people who want to kick the habit make themselves sit down and create a plan for doing so.Make sure you understand at least three personal reasons why quitting is important to you. Unless you have real reasons quitting is more important than smoking, why would you quit?

The first challenge confronted by men and women looking to quit smoking cigarettes is the cravings that hit when the body is demanding nicotine and also the psychological urge to smoke for its comforting action built up over years of smoking.While there are patches, gum and plenty of other aides that can help none of them will stop you smoking for good without the key facet of breaking any addiction which is WILLPOWER!

Tell all your friends and family that you will be quitting. This works really well because then you will get the moral support and you won't have to go through the inconvenience of explaining. It also means that your smoker friends won't offer you cigarettes either.

If it helps, then when you quit smoking you should just throw out the ashtrays and the lighters. You won't need them anymore anyway.

Don't keep them in case your smoker friends come around. They are now banished to smoking outside and your home will be totally smoke free from now on.

Set a date to quit and quit. Smokers that think that they can taper off, invariably increase their numbers again. It is too convenient to have those packets of cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays around. When stressful situations occur, you will invariably light one up.

Start noticing the benefits of a smokeless life. It won't be long before you are breathing easier and thinking more clearly. Your clothing, home and car will no longer smell like smoke. You will be much more pleasant to kiss.

All of these methods are effective for helping you to stop smoking today. I would know. I used to be a chronic smoker and all of these techniques worked very well for me. Now I'm proud to say that I have stopped smoking for good and that I am healthier than ever.Hopefully your success story will sound similar to mine, and hopefully it will be easy for you to stop smoking.

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Alcoholism Symptoms

Alcohol dependence can develop over the years and follows a generally predictable pattern. A tolerance of alcohol develops first, which means a person needs to consume greater quantities of alcohol before the same effects are noticed.

Over time, the person may lose control over their drinking and may not be able to stop even if they want to. And if alcohol consumption is reduced or stopped, withdrawal symptoms can be experienced which can range from annoying to life-threatening.

Just for a hint, such are the signs and symptoms to look for; addicts tend to drink alone or in secret. This is mostly due to the fact that they do not want to be seen drinking and be forced to admit that they have a problem. Addiction at its worse stages may cause temporal amnesia, or just severe forgetfulness.

Peer pressure is becoming an increasing source of alcohol abuse especially amongst younger adults as we feel that we may not be accepted into a group if we don't drink as heavily as they do or as frequently either. Sometimes works parties and social gatherings make you feel pressured into drinking more than you would normally do adding to the pressure.

In the initial stage of alcoholism, alcohol is often a stimulant to get over depression over job status, plummeting self esteem, or a perceived sliding relationship with a significant other. Weeks turn into months, and the urge to drink increases.

That is the alcoholics perfect world and to me looking back clearly was one of the alcoholism signs and symptoms. For me I was not able to separate fun from alcohol.  For me to really believe I was capable of having fun alcohol needed to be present, and if it was going to be great fun I would have to be able to drink as much as I wanted with no consequences, just like this trip offered me.

Instead of trying to hide behind statistics or play the blame game, treatment of alcohol abuse should start with children and teenagers being made aware of effects of alcohol abuse. Parents, peers and authorities need to monitor or communicate through listing on menu bars or one to one discussions on drug and alcohol abuse.

There are many options available to an alcohol abusive drinker, who is looking for means to deal with this problem. There is no dearth of good and reasonable rehab centers, located all over the country. Many hospitals and nursing homes even offer Residential Alcohol Abuse Programs.

The alcoholic will transfer into the next spherical of signs when they get to exactly where they are able to tolerate an will increase quantity of alcohol and it get much more to create them feel the same as prior to. At this point, the few that they utilized to drink to feel much better just isn't doing it any far more.

One effect is breaking out in sweat accompanied by shaking or nausea if there is no alcohol available. If one tries drugs to anchor oneself to some reality, the problem can compound. It can seem to the addict that nothing helps.

It would be wrong to assume that only African Americans living in pathetic economic conditions are the ones who are suffering from alcohol abuse. Even African Americans who live in cities, form a considerable portion of the abusive drinking population.

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How to Become a Model

Modeling is not just a glamorous, lucrative and sexy job. It can be very grueling and competitive too, and requires hard work, networking, health and fitness and continuous care of yourself. To become a model, you also need guidance about how to start in this field, so we bring you advice and tips about how to become a model.

There are all types of models, but if you are thinking about becoming a runway or typical fashion model, you must have certain characteristics. You must be 5'7" or taller and wear a size 4 or 6.

The taking of modeling classes is a must. The only reason as to why this would not be required is either because you were born a model or you do not want to achieve in this career. Learning has to be done and nobody can educate themselves on everything.

As for hiring someone to do your photo shoot(s), it is best to find a photographer who specializes in modeling type photography. When sorting your images, you'll want the best head shots and full-length pictures to be made into 8x10s or maybe 9x12s.

Make sure that your photos are up to date and no one else is in your photos with you. Make sure one of the shots you submit is a good smile especially if you are looking to do commercial work.

Then you go to a professional print shop and get them printed up to fit in your book. Make sure you ask to see the photographer's portfolio. Avoid doing nude shots with any photographer. Make sure you take a friend with you or let someone know where you are going before you take any pictures.

Once you have a good portfolio it is then imperative that you choose a reputable agency to represent you, one that will honor their commitment to you.

You will not even be considered as a professional if you do not have the composites and portfolios. The agencies plainly do not have time to clarify to every beginner as to what is needed by them to get into modeling. But if you step into their office with a pile of composites and your portfolio, the agencies would prefer to talk to you as they know that you are serious!

One of the major hurdles to overcome in your quest to become a model is the mindset. You must eliminate fear, become confident and remove all negative thinking from your head. You must know in your heart of hearts that this is what you were meant to do.

Even with good representation you must remember that modeling is a highly stressful and competitive business, so you must be prepared to work hard, for little money initially, and to remember that after all this there are no guarantees of getting work.

Finally, personal beauty has to be cultivated. Most of the models are recruited by the modeling scouts who painstakingly roam the country searching for new and fresh faces. This can be from anywhere; in the clubs, in church, in a shopping mall and many more sites.Groom, talk, smile and walk like a model. You never know when they will have an eye on you.

The worst element of the modeling business is being capable of taking refusal. Know that there will be more rejections than hiring, and this is typical owing to the amount of people in the business.

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Exercises for Toning Legs

When it comes to exercises for toning legs, there are plenty that you can choose from. However at the end of the day if you make the commitment to take action and do what you need to do, then you will get those sexy toned legs that you see on other women. It is all about having a plan and sticking to it.

Learning how to do the best leg exercises properly will not only help you lose belly fat, but also help you build a pair of strong and ridiculously sexy legs.

The truth is, toning and firming up your leg, hip and thigh area is not achieved by using all those weight machines, and heavy dumbbells and barbells that could get you all pumped up with much more muscle than you were looking to build, or cause serious, long term injuries!

There is a simple exercise that will help you tone your thighs quickly. All you have to do is lie down flat on your back and lift your legs. Do this twenty times. That will be your first set. Now, do three sets of twenty. You will definitely feel the "burn". Your legs will look great after doing this exercise.

Walking on a flat surface sucks for weight loss. The results take way too long. But walking on an inclined treadmill or a hill are great for quick results. All you do is either find a nearby hill or walk on a treadmill that's inclined 10-15 degrees.

Lunges, while a little difficult to execute, are also a fantastic exercise for sculpting your legs and butt. There are several variations depending on your skill level, but for now we'll start with the stationary lunge.

Start with your legs split with one leg about three feet in front of the other. Bend at the knees and lower yourself until both knees are at about 90 degree angles at the bottom of the movement. Keep your torso upright as you push yourself back up. If you need help, you can help yourself by putting you hand on a chair or a piece of exercises equipment.

Place your hands on your hips or hold them out in front of you, or out to the side. SLOWLY, step down with your left foot & LIGHTLY touch the floor with your toes & the ball of the foot (keep your heel off the ground).Then bring your left foot back up & lightly touch the step and repeat this 15 times with the left foot.

The exercise that you can do that will help you with your thighs are squats. This will help you with your thighs and butt. It's one of the best exercises that you can do. When doing squats, you should do three sets of twelve repetitions.

Jump on a mini-trampoline.It's probably the best exercise you can do to rejuvenate all of your body's cells. The jumping is really good for your legs. You barely have to jump too... an inch is more than enough to get great results.

By performing these simple legs exercises for women each day, it can be easy to achieve sexy and toned legs in no time. By trying at least ten repetitions of each exercise three times per week, the leg muscles will be able to become stronger, more toned, and leaner in only a couple of weeks.

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Prevent Hair Split Ends

What we all know as split ends is actually trichoptlosis where the protective cuticle around the hair (especially at the ends) has been damaged or removed. When you have split ends, your hair does not look neat, clean or healthy.Not only do they ruin a great hairstyle, but split ends also make your hair look unhealthy and unruly. Don't fret, though because there are ways to split with split end problems.

Main causes of split ends are - by excessive exposure to heat and lack of nourishment and are most often seen in long hair. It's a common aggravation for anyone trying to grow their hair. Natural scalp oils are necessary to reach the ends, making them more vulnerable than the roots.

So if you can't repair them your only choice is to prevent split ends from happening in the first place. These tips below will tell you all you need to know to conquer split ends once and for all.

Avoid using excessive styling products like hair sprays and gels. These styling products will strip out sebum and dry out your mane. Making it more susceptible to breakages.Avoid applying heat on your tresses. Stay away form heating tools such as the blow-dryer; straighteners, hot rollers or curlers. Heat will dry out your locks and cause breakages and damage.

Take two table spoon of olive oil, mix it with one teaspoon of honey and then beat in one egg yolk. Apply the solution by massaging the hairs in small sections and wrap the hairs with a shower cap for at least 30 minutes before washing with shampoo.

When you wash your hair, wet it with warm, not hot water, then use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Warm water allows the hair cuticles to open, so the conditioner goes into the hair shaft immediately, and starts moisturizing it. Condition your hair properly, leaving it for three to five minutes.

To eliminate split ends completely you will need to trim them off. There are several ways to do this. You can get a professional trim or cut to eliminate those nasty splits. Or, if you're trying to save your length, you can trim off individual split hairs as you see them.

Split ends are more common when the hair is dry or brittle. Hair is more delicate and vulnerable to splitting when it's wet, so never brush wet hair. Gently comb it with a wide-tooth comb. Don't brush too vigorously, as tension caused by brushing promotes splitting.

Apply mayonnaise on your hair once a week, using it like a conditioner, Rinse it well.Mash up some avocado add some hot olive oil, then leave it on your hair. Cover with a towel and leave it there for 20 minutes. Afterward, rinse it.

Avoid over processing your hair like hair coloring, bleaching, perming etc. These are damage the outer layer of your hair and causes split ends.Always protect your hair from the sun rays. Over exposure of sun light can make your hair weak, brittle and dry.

Its essential to develop a daily hair care routine which promotes healthy hair and prevent split ends from appearing in the first place. Try to use natural products where possible but make sure they don't contain alcohol. A life without split ends is possible it just requires a little work.

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Health Risks of Body Piercing

Body piercing is the piercing or puncturing done in your body with the use of a needle. Jewelry then is inserted to the punctured wound. The most popular pierced body parts are the ears, nostrils, and belly buttons or navels.

Body piercing is the piercing of a body part in order to wear jewelery in the opening created. Does that sound crazy? For millions of teenagers and even older people, it is the biggest fashion accessory. People may undergo piercing for a number of reasons. While the most popular reason is aesthetics, sometimes people may pierce for religious, cultural, or sexual reasons.

A piercing is nothing but a small wound. Go to a registered body piercer so that the procedure you opt for is aseptic, that is, free from bacterial contamination. Many states in the US have government recognized registered practitioners.

Sometimes it's hard to separate the facts from the myths surrounding body modification. When that happens, it can make it even harder for parents and teenagers to come to an agreement on whether a body piercing is an acceptable form of self-expression.

Most people who have body piercings do not develop any problems, but some do. When piercings get infected, it is a horrible sight, and sometimes, they smell awful, too.Some people often put their health on the line when they go the extra mile by getting body piercings.

Therefore, as well as being fashionable there are a number of dangers of body piercing that many people either aren't aware of, or underestimate.Some of the health risks of body piercing are discussed below.

People wearing tongue piercings often play with them as they were some sort of candy. Constantly doing this can cause irreparable-if not costly-damages on their teeth, as the barbell-shaped stud, over time, pushes the front teeth (or the incisors) into a state of protrusion or misalignment.

Quite a few body piercing enthusiasts may be allergic to piercing. A study on body art by Dr. Anne Laumann of North-western University found that women may be more allergic to body piercing. One in four women may display an allergic reaction to metal jewelery. The quality of the metal is of great importance.

There are metals which are safe to use such as surgical implant stainless steel and surgical implant titanium. You should not use any type of fake gold or jewelry made from base metals as they will be likely to corrode when exposed to body fluids.

The most common bacterial organism found in infected piercing sites is staphylococcus. Other complications consist of swelling, redness, drainage, bleeding, cyst formation, large scars and trauma. Minor complications can occur in about 20% of individuals, with major complications occurring in about 3% of individuals.

Infection of the wound - the risk of infection increases if you have other health issues such as diabetes. Infection of the tongue or lips may cause speech, chewing, and/or swallowing problems or swelling that can impede the throat. Infection of a nipple may scar the breast tissue and limit the capability to breast feed.

Problems caused by the jewelry - jewelry in the mouth may cause cracking or chipping of the teeth, gum problems, and difficulty chewing or swallowing. Jewelry in the navel can get caught in clothing and rip the skin. Jewelry in the genital area can cause injury to you or your partner when having sex.

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Read more about beauty tips by Prenoy Yonerp

Love Complications

Love is one of life's most basic needs. However: it is also the most elusive. Love becomes complicated when we mix it with other factors such as, peer pressure, idealism, and fantasy. We should put all these things into their proper perspective to co-exist with love. Let us clear up some of the mystique behind this elusive giant.

Why is love complicated? Love is a headache and a heart breaking adventure. Most of the people involved will come from it with deep scars that they can never completely make disappear. And yet, we are always eager to go back and try times and times again. Why is that? how to understand love complications?

Some people fall in love with the idea of love and exclude the person they profess to love. Others love each other with two different type of love. Moreover, some people use the name of love to cover up emotional, Physiological or sociological tendencies.

No matter how hurtful love can be it is still the most fulfilling emotion known to human life. A life without love is a life not fully lived, a complete waste. Then, you would ask what make such a beautiful thing so complicated?

The problem is, the reality of true love is much more complicated and very often, far from being the perfect experience that we have created in our minds. When our expectations and the real experience of love clash, we are hurt and disappointed.

We jump into relationships without being sure of how strongly we love the person, and if we are ready to commit. And when we fail, we just jump to a new one without resolving the issues that made us fail the first one.

We are a society that objectifies everything. Appearances are important. More expensive cars, wrist watches, and purses are some of the things that we use to define ourselves. We have objectified love as well. We think of love happening to us and acting upon us in a mysterious way.

Once we experience true love, we do all we can to keep it in our lives because we realize its value and importance. We invest in it, giving it our time, effort and good intentions.

For some, it can sometimes be consuming. This is why if love is lost, we feel the loss so badly that we hurt. This is because we know in our hearts that the experience is unique and may never happen again, at least not in the same way.

Most relations start when one person feels lonely and need company, or one person is pressured by his peers to find someone because of his age, social position, family tradition, or simply because he is bored! How then do you expect to live up to something as demanding as love if you commit to it for dubious reasons? Love can only be effective and lasting if it is inspired from love.

The irony is that the only way you can prevent from being hurt by true love is to refuse the experience. But by doing so, you miss out. So the key is to let love in, do your best to keep it and if it hurts you (and it will somehow), to just accept that it is part of the whole experience.

A successful love is based on a clear understanding of the type of love agreed on and a commitment to work at it despite outside persuasions. Leave nothing to chance. Communicate honestly and frequently. Each person is responsible to provide the other with emotional updates on their feelings about the relationship.

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Bad Effects of Tanning Beds

Doctors and public health professionals have been warning people about the negative effects of ultraviolet rays and tanning for years. Whether it be from the sun or from tanning beds, skin damage is skin damage and all of it is cosmetically problematic and potentially cancer causing.

Most today know about the bad effects of tanning beds and also direct sunlight. For many it's not bad enough for them to stop; similar to cigarette smoking which millions still smoke. When it comes to the bad effects of tanning beds; the salons and the tanning bed at home will continue to thrive.

Tanning beds offer users an alternative to natural outdoor sun exposure. We tan in the sun because the sun itself emits a combination of ultraviolet rays that affect the pigmentation of our skin. UVA rays are longer ultraviolet rays that reach deep into the layers of our skin.

In truth, the harmful effects of tanning beds are just the same as the sun. Consequently, like the sun, tanning beds should be approached cautiously. First and foremost, fair-skinned people should avoid tanning beds - and the sun - at all costs. Even if you have darker skin, exposure should be limited.

But more importantly, the harmful effects of tanning beds include the burning and aging of skin; prolonged exposure can even result in skin cancer. Tanning beds give off UV rays that are just as dangerous as the sun.

The effects of tanning with tanning beds that utilize magnetic ballasts to generate their light would be harmful and should definitely be avoided. The magnetic ballasts create proven cancer causing EMFs and are not recommended.This includes almost all commercial tanning beds and the majority of home tanning beds.

The really bad news is that tanning beds emit more UV radiation than the sun. So the UV rays are more damaging to the body in a shorter span of time. The rays from a tanning bed is UVA rays rather than the UV rays that come from the sun. Even thought these rays do not burn the skin like the sun, they go deeper into the skin surface and cause more damage.

Overuse of tanning beds or tanning in general can also cause loss of skin elasticity and premature aging. Many people don't realize these effects until much later in life due to the delay of the damage caused by the harmful rays.

Another possible side effect is that the UV rays can cause damage to the eye. Eye injuries such as arc eye or corneal flash burns and keratitis are often developed due to increased exposure to radiation. Some types of cataracts are also caused. Apart from these, the strong radiations from the tanning bed can produce harmful effects on the body's immune system.

Fortunately tan beds can be safe and the dangers can be limited with proper use of protective measures. Most tanning salons provide UV protective lotions and eyewear to consumers. Although there really is no completely safe UV ray exposure, tanning beds don't have to be cancer inducing devices if used within their recommended range and limits.

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Getting Rid of Cellulite

In order to learn how to get rid of cellulite fast, one should be aware of what cellulite is and how it gets formed.Cellulite is something that has plagued women for thousands of years.Cellulite also happens in men, but is more prevalent in women. Also called orange peel syndrome and cottage cheese skin, cellulite is caused by heredity, gender, age, and fat distribution in the body.

It is formed by irregular patterns of elastic fibers and collagen under the skin (the dermis layer) that are unique to women. It is also caused by the natural breakdown of cells in the female body that occur with age.

If you are one of such women and want to know how to get rid of this problem in a fast and effective manner, then you can try some of the solutions provided here to get some good results.

When attempting to get rid of cellulite, a good, long-term method is to do toning exercises. Just half-an-hour to 45 minutes of your day carrying out basic toning exercises such as jogging, swimming, jumping jacks and squatting can tone up the body as well as increasing blood flow and circulation.

Having more protein in your diet will allow your muscles to tone up, and it will reduce the dimpled effect of cellulite. Salmon is a fantastic source of protein, as it also contains a large amount of essential fatty acids which help to break the cellulite down.

Some factors that contribute to the development of cellulite include poor water intake, constant smoking, lack of regular exercise, poor liver function, poor digestion, hormonal imbalance, constipation, allergies, or even stress. Needless to say, a shift of your lifestyle can help you go a long way, as far as getting rid of cellulite is concerned.

All calories aren't good calories.You can't just eat what you want because you will become what you eat, literally. Yes, if you create a calorie deficit consistently you will lose weight, but all weight isn't fat.

As mentioned previously, cellulite is made up of unwanted fluid, fat and toxins. In order to reduce cellulite, you have to first get rid of the toxins to allow the fat dissolve more easily.

When you wear tight pants or underwear, causing poor blood flow around your buttocks and thighs. When blood doesn't flow well, more toxic and wastes will accumulate in your fat tissue causing it to expand upwards.

Increase your fruit and vegetable consumption. But remember, intake of these natural foods forms part of the total fluid you consume. Meaning, when you already eat lots of fruits and veggies for the day, you may only need 3 - 4 glasses of water. Exercise your own judgment on this.

Lymphatic Massage: This is a particular method of massaging the body that stimulates your lymphatic system and increases blood circulation.The lymphatic system helps to drain toxins and waste that is trapped within the fat cells. Increased circulation brings nutrients and oxygen to sluggish cells which also encourages fat cells to empty their contents into the blood stream and lymph system.

Although undergoing various procedures that promise to say goodbye to your cellulite is one option worth trying, nothing still beats doing it the natural way. Understand how to get rid of cellulite naturally so that you get to achieve a better and healthier you the most natural and safest way.

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Ways to Deal with Oily Skin

Skin treatment is very necessary in the present days. If you want to look beautiful and presentable you have to maintain your skin. A well maintained skin is really needed for both your personal life and professional life. In the present days not only women are taking care of their skin but also the men are showing interests to take care of their skin.

If you know the right ways to deal with oily skin, you can make your oily skin work for you. An oily skin does not necessarily need to add to your sorrow. You can have soft, young, wrinkle-free look with oily skin as well!Proper diet and some effective beauty tips can increase your beauty. Below are some very useful home remedies for oily skin.

Wash your face with a good oil-free soap without artificial additives for at least 3 or 4 times a day regularly. You can also use soap that you feel comfortable using or as suggested by your dermatologist.

In a glass vessel take 100 gm of raw milk and squeeze one-fourth lemon in it (so much that the milk splits). Apply this on the face and hands and wash it with lukewarm water after 5-7 minutes. This makes the skin glowing and soft.Lemon has the ability to remove extra oils from the skin and make it soft. It is a cleaner for oily skin.

Try a strawberry and lemon mask one day - all you have to do is mix half a tablespoon of lemon juice, half a cup of crushed strawberries, two drops of jojoba oil and one tablespoon of honey with the whites of an egg. Apply it to your face and leave it on for ten minutes - you'll be delighted with the results.

Humidity or just hot weather in general can lead to increased perspiration and often then to too much oil. If you live in an area that is humid, try and get out of the humidity once in a while and it might help improve your skin.

Drinking plenty of water can help you to prevent oily skin. Daily drink at least 10 glasses to have a perfect water level in your body. It will help you not only in a problem of oily skin but also in other physical problems.

To keep your skin feel cool and fresh, deep cotton wool in a light astringent and touch this all over your face. You can also apply astringent before wearing makeup to wipe out excess oil from your face. Do not use harsh or strong astringent because it will make your skin oilier.

Grate cucumber and sieve in a cloth. In 30 gm of cucumber water add half teaspoonful of lemon juice and rose water. Apply this mixture with cotton on the face and neck. After one hour wash the face first with a natural look because it is a natural treatment and much better than synthetic creams.

One of the simplest home remedies for oily skin involves mixing baking soda with water. Once the mixture is ready, massage it onto your face for a few minutes in a gentle manner. After that, you can simply wash it off. Do this at least once daily for maximum benefits.

Diet is one of the most important factors that cause oily skin. Start taking protein-rich food, green leafy vegetables, and fresh fruits. Avoid eating sugar, chocolates and junk food.

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Dealing with Athletes Foot

Athlete's foot can be a very irritating - not to mention painful - condition. It's something that is generally picked up in warm and moist conditions that are generally present in pool areas, bathrooms and yes - locker rooms. However, athlete's foot can also be picked up via growth of the fungus in sweaty footwear including thermal socks, sneakers and insulated boots.

In fact, anyone can suffer from this skin condition because it is an infection of the skin between the toes. This skin condition is known to cause the patient severe pain and discomfort aside from having smelly feet.

How do you know when you have it? Often, people suffering from this foot problem will start to experience itching in between the toes. There will also be scaling and unusual redness in the skin.

Symptoms of ring worm that is athletes foot include dryness, flakiness, reddishness of the skin, frustrating itchy lesions, burning, and stinging sensations that can lead to extreme pain, peeling and cracking of the skin along with blistering and bleeding of the skin.

There are a lot of over-the-counter remedies for athletes foot, but sometimes they do not work immediately and the infection may keep coming back. If you want to get rid of this foot problem for good, you might want to use the natural ways of dealing with athletes foot.

In order to avoid acquiring fungus, make sure that you take good care of your feet's health by practicing proper hygiene. Always wash your feet with soap and water to prevent the growth and spread of germs and bacteria on them.

Avoid putting on socks and closed shoes when your feet are wet and moist as this can encourage the growth of fungus not only in your feet but your footwear as well. Make sure you always keep your feet dry after you come out of the shower. Sharing of socks is also a big no-no since you can't be sure whether the person you're sharing with has athlete's foot or not.

Athlete's foot generally comes on very quickly and is often accompanied by blisters, itching and burning. When you are going through this stage, be sure to keep your foot uncovered and be sure to rest it regularly.

Many of us think that garlic is just used to make dishes smell and taste more delectable. However, this lowly bulb is actually a potent fungi eliminator, among other properties. In order to eradicate the fungi colony on your feet, it would be wise to place about three drops of garlic oil on the affected areas.

Disinfecting your bathroom floor and making sure your feet are dry from a shower or bath can really help in the prevention of obtaining this foot as well.

When you've got the fungus between your toes, apply a baking soda paste. Add in some lukewarm water to 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Rub the mixture on the fungus, then rinse and dry thoroughly. Then, dust on some cornstarch.

Once you feed these pesky microbes, your problem can spread even to uninfected areas or other people's feet. Worse, fungi can also affect your toenails. It is common for people with recurring athlete's foot problems to have nail fungus too.

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How to Avoid Saggy Skin

How to avoid saggy skin? We mere humans think that skin sagging is one of the inevitable things in life. True. But there are ways that we can do to experience skin sagging much later than much sooner so we can prolong a creamer looking face.

Loose skin is a problem older people face. This is due to the loss of skin components that promotes skin resilience and elasticity. The skin components I am talking about are collagen, elastin, keratin and peptides.

It is far easier to prevent saggy skin than treat it. You have to start learning some tips get rid of saggy skin.You can significantly lessen the appearance of saggy skin. The following are some tips that can help you avoid this skin problem:

Eat Healthy and Nutritious Foods.This part is non-negotiable. If you want to keep your skin in top functioning, you should supply it with necessary nutrition. Green leafy vegetables and fruits rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin B Complex are all helpful in maintaining a youthful function in the skin.

Moisturize your skin all the time. When the skin tissues do not receive enough moisture, the tissues get damaged easily. Stick to a moisturizer with natural ingredients. Natural ingredients such as CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 can improve your condition.

Avoid rubbing or scrubbing your skin vigorously. This encourages the death of collagen proteins. When you are applying your moisturizer or any skin product, you should use your lightest fingers so you will not disturb weak skin tissues. Do not rub your eyes as well.

You should avoid first or second-hand smoking. Cigarette smoke contains chemicals and toxins that can break down vitamin A. This vitamin can help repair damaged skin cells and tissues. With its help, your dermis can maintain its regenerative properties.

Most of us are aware of the debilitating effects of the sun on our skin. But what most of us don't know is that UVA rays can also penetrate windows. Even when you are at home, UVA rays can still affect you. Apply sun block right after bathing.

One of the main reasons why saggy skin becomes more prominent is because of drastic weight loss. If, however, gaining weight is inevitable which is the case for pregnant women, you can prevent it from happening.

One of the main causes as to why our skin weakens in functions is due to harmful free radicals. Get rid of these free radicals by using a cream with a good antioxidant.

Milk contains youth-inducing components Also, it is loaded with proteins that helps improve the functions of the skin. Try using oatmeal and milk as a facial treatment. Leave it on for 30 minutes so the oatmeal can absorb impurities and the milk can penetrate deeper.

Prolong a supple and elastic dermis by following these four essential tips to get rid of saggy skin. It is not impossible to look your best and enjoy younger-looking appearance for a longer period of time. Just go the extra mile in your skin care regimen.

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Makeup to Wear in Summer

Makeup is a wonderful tool to enhance your looks and accentuate your best features. It can be worn day or night, and has the ability to be easily customized to suit your destination.The kind of makeup to wear in summer is a lot different than the makeup you wear in other seasons like winter, spring, or fall.

One makeup problem that many people have to deal with is how to get it to fit in with your summer time activities.In the summer you tend to spend your time laying on the beach and shopping in the heat. You want to look your best no matter where you go, but it is hard to get that right look. Even when you try to do your makeup before going out it either looks too heavy or it completely melts on your face.

You can be so sure that sweating will ruin your makeup, thaw your eyeliner or melt the moisturizer and foundation you applied just a few minutes ago. So to solve this dilemma, here are a few summer natural look tips in donning your makeup.

First, switch over to an oil free foundation. During the winter these heavy foundations are a must, but in summer we sweat and a light, oil free alternative is a must. This will prevent you from having drip page, and will keep your face fresh, natural, and summer fresh!

Make your skin seem flawless, smooth, and absolutely perfect. Use a smart foundation; make sure to buy a tinted moisturizer with SPF protection. Try to keep it as minimal as possible. You want to blend outward from your nose for a continuous finish.

Use the refrigerator: When the weather is hot the best thing that you can do with your makeup is keep it in the fridge. Everything from foundation to eyeliner can benefit from keeping them cool. An added bonus to this is that when you apply these cooled products to your face it will be amazingly refreshing.

When summer comes, you have to switch to light makeup. You do not want to wear tons of gunk on your face that will make you look like a clown and will be too hot and heavy for the weather. Keep it light, just like what you do with your clothes. Moreover, keeping it light will prevent your makeup from becoming cakey because of the heat and humidity.

Remember in summer, it is not recommended to use dark eye makeup. A waterproof brown-black or brown mascara and eyes powder makeup in shades of warm chocolate, beige or gold will be enough to do the trick.

Try to skip the blush if you can - heat can bring on lovely, all natural rosy cheeks. If you apply too much blush, and combine that with the flushed, hot cheeks you no doubt may have by the end of the day, you will get a red effect that's unattractive, and fake to boot.

Cut down on that junk food.Oily fries with an oily burger is going to load your body with more grease. If your skin is spotty, it might help if you cut down on the grease and sugar. By the way, bacteria loves sugar and you can thank bacteria for those infected spots on your face. Stop feeding the bacteria, keep your hands and hair off your face and let your skin recover.Healthy skin contributes to be the most essential summer makeup tips.

Just follow some of the makeup tips mentioned above and you should be right-on-track for looking gorgeous and ready-to-go this summer!

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Tips for Cleaning Silver

Almost every home possesses some valuable silver utensils and ornaments, which maybe were inherited from the old father of the family. No matter you take them as adornment for your house or daily tableware, they would tarnish in the air.

This only happens if you allow your jewelry to become irreparably tarnished through neglect. Good cleaning habits and a few simple precautions taken when you wear your jewelry should be enough to keep Sterling Silver bright and beautiful for years.

In this article we show you how to clean silver.There are several tips for cleaning silver, if you don't know what type of silver you're cleaning you'll need to identify it first.

Every time you remove the jewels after wearing it, wipe with a soft clean cloth so that no traces of makeup or the sebum from the skin is left behind on the pieces.

That nasty black colour is caused by sulphur in the atmosphere reacting with the silver. We've heard of lots of ways to clean sterling silver including soaking your silver in lemonade; gently rubbing your silver jewellery with a toothbrush and toothpaste; using vinegar and placing your jewellery in denture water - the bubbles apparently lift the dirt away!

Proprietary brands such as Goddard's Silver Dip are excellent - just a few seconds dip and then a warm rinse with a mild detergent and then pat dry with some kitchen paper towel.

When not wearing your jewellery it is important to keep it dry as moisture is the main cause of tarnish. Store jewellery in a jewellery box or roll, ideally placing each item in a plastic bag. Making sure jewellery items do not come into contact with other pieces will help keep scratching to a minimum.

If your sterling silver jewellery is only suffering from a little dust, dirt or sweat, any mild dish soap or hand soap and warm water will safely clean it.Make sure you dry your jewellery after cleaning with soap and water, otherwise you'll end up with subtle rinse spots that will dull its natural shine.

Silver is a reactive metal, so the chlorine in the water for drinking, or bathing is not good for your jewellery, neither are hairsprays or perfumes. So while you take a bath or a swim in the sea, be sure to remove your silver jewellery, also either wear gloves or altogether remove it while doing work that involves the use of chemicals or water.

Another method of cleaning silver is to use toothpaste. Simply rub the toothpaste all over the silver and rinse it off. You won't get such excellent results on really blackened silver as with the dips , but for ordinary cleaning , it's a lot cheaper.

Store your silver jewellery in a dry, cool place. And keep individual pieces separate so they don't knock against or scratch each other. Keeping your sterling silver pieces wrapped in acid-free tissue paper, placed inside a sealed polythene bag is ideal.

Follow these tips and your silver jewellery will have a long and happy life.

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Choose Beach Wedding Dress

Wedding is the most auspicious occasion. Instead of the normal wedding party, some of you might prefer your wedding at an exotic location with an ocean view.

Having a beach wedding is one of the most romantic weddings in the world. Choosing from all the different beach wedding dresses can be one of the most fun things to choose.Do you want to have an elegant and formal wedding, a casual and simple wedding, or a semi-formal or semi-casual wedding? Whichever you choose, you can find the right style of dress for it.

Think about it; the setting is absolutely picturesque, and the destination, completely romantic. The beach provides you the ultimate wedding backdrop.Worried about dress to wear??? Worry no more, we're here to help! Provided below is a list of tips to choose beach wedding dress.

Finding the perfect dress for a beach wedding can be confusing due to fabric, length and style. Most beach brides opt for more casual dresses with lighter fabrics, which are easier to pack.

Bridal magazines. Like any soon-to-be-bride, bridal magazines are going to be your new best friends for the months preceding your wedding. Look through them for the latest in casual beach wedding dresses.

it is not recommended the use of veil as part of your beach wedding dress. It depends on the location of your beach wedding, but wind can be very strong at the beach and you will feel uncomfortable. You can adorn your head with flowers instead, it will make you look great and you will not have to think about weather.

You can choose to be Gypsies for the day, with lots of velvet and satin. Maybe you fancy being Medieval with buntings and some fair maidens in long gowns and a horse to ride, or you might want to be a Hippie flower child with cheesecloth caftans and beads.

A lovely effect can be created by going completely casual and wearing simply a small top and a sarong, giving the beach bride look the complete works, or alternatively lightweight trousers and matching top.

Cotton bridal dresses is fast becoming popular these days because it is easy to work with and simpler to maintain. With cotton as the fabric for beach wedding dresses, the bride may breathe even under the heat of the harsh sun on the beach.

If the dress you choose is long, make sure you can walk easily on sand. When it comes to the shoes, you only need a pair of sandals or just bare feet.

Don't forget to ask his opinion. It's his wedding after all. Asking for his thoughts can give you ideas on how you'll want to dress him up. Finding the perfect informal beach wedding dress won't be worth anything if he doesn't want to wear it on the wedding day. So, make sure there are clear communications between the both of you early on.

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Remedies for Dry Skin

Nothing is more embarrassing than the appearance of dry skin especially when it is on your face. Dry skin is is a chronic skin diseases that frequently affects millions of people around the world. If you are troubled by this kind of skin condition, it means your skin lacks moisture and tender care is needed to restore the skin back to its former self.


To get rid of this problem in the first place, it is important to understand what are causes of dry skin (that is why you have dry skin) to occur. Usually, different factors like side effects from medication, bad lifestyle habits (e.g smoking), inadequate nutrition, environmental factors and advanced age are common explanations


If you want to know how to get rid of dry skin, you are not alone. Dry skin is one of the most common skin ailments and can happen in extreme weather or toxic environments and can also be caused by poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle and choosing poor skin care products!Here are a few powerful remedies for dry skin you can try:


A good moisturizer can help you to maintain moisture in your dry skin. Every time you feel your skin starting to feel dry, you should quickly apply a generous layer of moisturizer to make them wet again.


Eat more fruits and vegetables.These contains a lot of vitamins and minerals which are helpful for your skin. Try to consume at least 3 servings per day.natural oils penetrate your skin easily and also mix well with the sebum produced by your skin. Thus giving you a deep moisturizing effect.However keep in mind that not all natural oils are equal.


Lack of moisture is the number one reason for having dry skin. You can counter this by drinking more water. It is a really simple trick that models have been using for years to get beautiful, healthy and young looking skin quickly. Aim for 8 glasses a day.


Using Avocado Oil in your skin care will certainly make an improvement. This natural ingredient is closer to natural skin oils and drenches your skin with Vitamins A. D, and E. In addition to being deeply penetrating, this oil also contain vital proteins and potassium.


Hot showers always clear away the nutrients from our skin. That is very damaging to people with dry skin especially. Engage in shorter baths and use lukewarm water instead.


If you want to use the best creams for getting rid of dry skin, you need to avoid those popular ingredients. Most companies rely on petrolatum, paraffin, or mineral oil to showcase their products. But they are basically the same ingredients, and here's the shocker...they are byproducts of gasoline production.


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Tips for Buying Maternity Clothes

Pregnancy can be a fascinating phase with so many changes taking place and so many things to look forward to such as the need for comfortable maternity clothes.Pregnancy is the time when the women are very joyous and exuberant about the upcoming motherhood but also a bit worried with the increase in size and other complexities that come with the pregnancy.

Modern maternity clothes are stylish, comfortable and make mom look like a million bucks. With spring fast approaching, what styles can an expectant mom expect to see? What looks are the most flattering to a mom-to-be?

Today, the definition of cute maternity clothes has entirely changed. There are styles and fashions to suit everyone's tastes, and they range from downright funky to hippie styles to glamorous haute couture.

Many designers have recognized the need for pregnant women to feel stylish and chic in their clothes.These days it can be just as much fun shopping for maternity wear as regular clothes due to the large number of designers working in this area. Read thes tips for buying maternity clothes.

Start With A List Of Essentials.Building your pregnancy wardrobe is similar to shopping for groceries. You already have items you can use, and need to build your stock. The best way to get started is to look through your closet and create a list of maternity wear essentials.

As a general rule, maternity clothes are designed to fit your pre pregnancy size and are cleverly designed to fit throughout your pregnancy.There are lots of trendy, comfy styles that'll let you feel like yourself and stick to your regular looks. The days when new mums had to feel like they were running around in their nightgowns are long past, and that's a great thing. Check out some of the great options currently on the market, and start your maternity wardrobe soon!

Grab a pair of maternity jeans which are great to give you a nice look and can be worn with almost anything. Sweaters have been very popular choices among pregnant women as they accent your curves and make you look fashionable even in the state you are in.

decide what your style is. When shopping for maternity clothing, choose a preference to conservative style. Make sure that the clothing you buy makes you visually pleasing. I wouldn't recommend you to try to fit into the blouse that would show off your growing belly or chest.

Also if your are looking for pure comfort and  no style then make sure to buy baggy t-shirts and baggy jeans which are absolutely the best by way of providing the comfort.If you are used to wear dresses then you need to shun your long dresses and go ahead and buy the specifically designed maternity dresses. These dresses have special folds and hemline to take care of the protruding stomach.

Economize on clothes, as they cost just as much as regular clothes but you only wear them for a few months.Also, buy your maternity clothes in layers. That way, when you become hot, you can strip off a layer or two rather than sweating and feeling uncomfortable.

Stocking your closet with fun and fashionable maternity wear doesn't have to be a chore. If you follow the suggestions above, you'll build a pregnancy wardrobe that will keep you comfortable, confident, and hip.

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Symptoms of Pregnancy

Understanding the early signs of pregnancy is very important as these signs may also be related to other occurrences than pregnancy.Many women that have been pregnant before can detect the moment they begin ovulating, while many women cannot tell when or if they have ovulated.

As hormone levels fluctuate and your body learns how to react to these changed levels, most women will experience practically all of the very early signs of pregnancy. You just need to know pregnancy signs.

The type and gravity of the sign of pregnancy are different for each woman, depending on her hereditary factors, health, age and life-style. One thing is for sure, every pregnant woman experiences one or more of these early signs of pregnancy. Thus, all those who are expecting to get pregnant should watch out for these signs soon as it begins.

A missed menstrual cycle is most surely associated with an early sign of pregnancy. When a woman misses her menstrual period, she gets an indication that she is pregnant. This can be confirmed at home by readily available Home Pregnancy Test kits in medical shops.

Light spotting:having been conceived, light spotting happens before the date of your actual menstrual period while implantation takes place. This pregnancy bleeding is brownish or pinkish in color and not much heavy as you have during normal menstrual period that begins light, becomes heavy and then again tapers off before ending.

Tenderness In The Breasts And Nipples.This is a classic early sign of early pregnancy - and one that often goes unnoticed. Many women attribute this tenderness to their bras or other clothing, and tend to ignore it. And, after the body gets used to the new hormone levels - the tenderness goes away.

Basal body temperature increases in women during the ovulation, and if this temperature remains increased for longer time, it can be a possible sign of pregnancy. This temperature can be measured by a Basal body thermometer.

Feeling sick and headaches are some other signs of pregnancy that sets in very early days. Headaches are common throughout the pregnancy but they are more prominent in early days. The reason is the drastic change in the level of hormones.

More Frequent Urination - urinating more often is one of the very early signs of pregnancy. Many women experience more frequent urination even before a missed period, usually from about 7-12 days after the temperature rise at ovulation.

The most common sign of pregnancy will appear between two to eight weeks of pregnancy. Morning sickness, dizziness, backaches, and even vomiting in extreme cases are some of these common symptoms of pregnancy.

Constipation.This is another very subtle clue - who doesn't get constipated at one time or another - without being pregnant? The changing hormone levels can play games with your bowels, interrupting the normal frequency and timing of your bowel movements.

It is in the best interest of you and your child. Don't be bogged down by these early signs of pregnancy and discomforts and try to remain cheerful, so that you have a positive attitude towards your present condition as well as you look forward to having a healthy and happy child. Happy Journey!

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Prenoy Yonerp


Quick Hair Removal Tips

The funny thing about hair is that it never seems to grow exactly where a person wants. As people age or even during hormonal changes in both men and women, hair can crop up in the strangest places. When fast unwanted hair removal is desired, there are some excellent routes to take. There are even some quick hair removal tips that can help make the prospect as painless as possible.

There are several ways of getting rid of hair, and only a few of them work satisfactorily, there are also some that work for only a short time. For instance, shaving, have to be done frequently with the use of tweezers and it could be eating up precious time. Waxing, on the other hand, is a method that is quite well known among women, but is not that well-liked by men.

It is a fact that, there are many hair removal creams available in market, which is almost affordable. But the fact is that these facial creams are provided with chemicals, which can show side affects like itching, redness and burning sensation after use. So, here are some natural home remedies to remove unwanted hair.

Take a spoon full of sugar; lemon and water make a through paste. Apply the paste in the direction of the hair growth and leave it to 10-15 minutes. Then rinse it off and see the astonishing results. But applying this remedy twice a week is beneficial.

Another option is to remove your unwanted hair with tweezing. When you tweeze, you pull hair out by the roots with a tweezers or a forceps.

It's a slow and painful process. You are pulling hair out one at a time, roots and all. Shaving is fast and easy and relatively painless. But shaving often needs to be done daily because the hair regrows so quickly. When you tweeze, the hair takes a week or two to regrow.

Instead of removing unwanted hair you could go for 'Bleaching'. This is where you are able to bleach thin not very noticeable hair. Bleaching would normally take place on areas such as your face and arms, where the hairs are very thin. Following the instructions when bleaching is paramount.

Add little quality of turmeric and besan and mix some water to make it into paste. Apply it on the face and allow it to dry. Gently rub the face with cold water after the drying and peeling is done. Wash it with warm or cold water afterwards.

Note- for body hair- hair grown on the body like in legs, bikini area here is a home remedy. Soak two cups of Epsom salt in a tub and then apply it on circular motion and then rinse it off. But in case of any irritation or redness, please stop this remedy and use gentle sugar, in place of Epsom salt.

Take a tablespoon of fresh lime juice and mix 4 teaspoons of honey. Use a face brush and apply this paste on the face, in the direction of hair growth. Leave this paste on the face for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. Make this application a twice a week habit.

Choose from among these options when you have unwanted hair to remove. Surely there is an option that suits your needs best.

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Prenoy Yonerp


Home Remedies for Toothache


Ache of the tooth, more commonly known as a toothache, is clinically labeled either odontalgia or odontalgy. The intense discomfort associated with such affected tooth, is in the aching pain that involves the tooth or areas around it. Sources that contribute to the aching tooth are developed due to problems concerning the tooth or jaw.

The main causes of tooth decay are excessive consumption of soft drinks, candy, pastries, refined carbohydrates and sugar in all forms. We can reduce tooth decay by reducing above consumptions. Bacteria break down sugar in acids that combine with calcium in the enamel and cause decay or erosion.

There are some toothaches, like the pain you experience when your wisdom teeth are coming in, or childhood tooth shedding, that are temporary and not worrisome. It is also not always practical to visit your dentist right away. For these situations, there are a number of common options for when you need good home remedies for toothache.

Garlic is a recommended ingredient for toothache pain relief. It can be found in the kitchen, maybe on your spice rack. The way to use garlic for pain relief is to chew a clove or two on the tooth.

Lime is where your heart is - It is a good source of Vitamin C and is responsible for making your teeth and bones in tip top shape. When you have bouts with tooth decay and loosened teeth as well as dental caries, eating lime may just be the way to combat it. It has lower acidity levels than lemon so it is also easy on your teeth.

Squash Seed Oil Will Do Wonders.In the morning, before breakfast, take one tablespoon of Squash Seed Oil. Repeat for 30 days.This remedy is also effective to improve the condition of your nails.

using clove oil (essential oil of cloves). Rub the oil on to the aching tooth and around the gum this will anesthetize the whole area. Don't over-use it or you may burn the gum. You can also dip a piece of cotton wool into some clove oil, roll into a ball and stick it into the painful part of the tooth. Clove has antiseptic and painkilling properties, which work immediately after administration. Within 5 minutes you should be pain free.

A very simple Home Remedy for toothache is to mix some pepper powder with common salt and rub this mixture onto the teeth. Doing this daily will also prevent any toothache troubles as well as dental cavities.

Onion can also provide relief from a toothache, as a home remedy for toothache. The bactericidal properties of an onion can aid in alleviating discomfort, by placing a piece of the vegetable upon the affected tooth or gum. Another tip, where onion is concerned, is to chew and consume a raw onion each day, as another home remedy for toothache prevention, again, based upon its bactericidal properties.

Asafoetida, a strong smelling spice used in Indian cooking, has been traditionally used for toothache. Grind it in lemon juice and warm the mixture, then soak a cotton swab in it. Applied directly to the tooth or gum around the tooth, it can help to relieve the pain.

Tea bags have been universally known for their anti-bacterial qualities and have been used for centuries. Other than being a great reliever of toothaches, tea has also used been known to work with other pain symptoms such as migraine headaches.

One thing you will want to avoid while you are still troubled by your tooth pain is hot and cold foods or drinks, and also sweets. These will aggravate your pain even more and cause your tooth to be ever more painful. If you keep these extreme temperatures away from the problem area and avoid chewing on the side where the ache is, it will give the tooth time to calm down and the pain should ease with one or more of the above-mentioned remedies.

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Deal with Oily Hair

Oily hair got you down? Are you tired of looking like you need a shampoo hours after a shower? Don't fret when there are some simple methods to use to help alleviate the problem.Oily hair can be a pain and is a common complaint among persons who have acne problems. Oily hair is difficult to manage, can be limp, and hard to style.

Oily hair is a result of excessive sebum production from the sebaceous glands attached to the hair follicle. This results in hair becoming dull, lank, lacking volume and attracting dirt more easily. It is a problem that most people deal with at some point, for different reasons. The best way to get rid of your oily hair is to pinpoint the cause of oily hair and treat your hair accordingly.

Nobody wants to deal with oily hair problem, but it is nevertheless a widespread condition without a lot of understanding on the subject.So how do you help yourself get rid of oily hair? It is relatively simple and straightforward: start a healthy diet, avoid undue stress and learn to shampoo more effectively.

For proper hair care when washing oily hair, it is important also to wash the scalp gently and to rinse well. If the oily hair still results in tangles and difficulty brushing, then conditioner may be used, but it is best avoided if possible. If used, conditioner is best applied to the very ends of the hair.

Stress increases oil production in the body, so you can cut down on the oil by learning techniques for reducing stress. Meditation and deep breathing are two great ways to reduce stress and improve health including reducing skin and scalp oil production.

Frequent grooming can help attribute to the look of oily hair. When you comb or brush your hair, you are essentially dragging sebum from close to your scalp and around the roots of your hair down through the rest of your hair. Avoid being too brush happy, as it will only result in your hair looking and feeling limp and greasy.

Choose the Proper Diet.The addition of too many fats in your diet not only affects your skin and scalp condition, but also affects the oil levels produced by your body which ultimately reaches your hair follicles. Lower the unhealthy amount of food you consume and change your diet to a high vegetable and high fruit intake - avoiding fried foods. This keeps your entire body healthy, starting with your head.

One teaspoon of apple cider kitchen vinegar added to a pint of water makes an excellent finishing rinse that adds shine and luster to your hair while removing soap residue that can weigh down oily hair.

Keep your hands out of your hair.  Far many, like me, I have a hard time from "brushing"  over with my hands.  Touching transfers chemicals, dirt and grease.  And, scratching or rubbing stimulates the scalp making a bad problem worse. Using hot water for shampooing should be avoided as it can lead to the drying of the scalp.

These tips laid out in this article may help you reduce the amount of problems you have with oily hair and should be treated as common advice.

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How to Cure Nail Fungus

Fungal nail infections (onychomycosis) are unsightly and, especially when it's a fingernail that's infected, we understandably want to cure nail fungus fast. Unfortunately, most treatments take a long time to work, and even when they do, the speed at which the nail returns to normal is limited by the speed at which it grows.

Nail fungus is also known as tinea unguium. It is a fairly common and irritating infection that can occur in the fingernails and toenails. If you are looking for the best tips on how to cure nail fungus, make sure you read this article now.

The good news is that there are natural ways of how to cure nail fungus. If you want to avoid the humiliation and cost of a doctor's visit and expensive prescriptions, there are ways to cure nail infections in the comfort of your own home.

One very effective antiseptic and fungicide is Tea Tree oil. When tea tree oil is applied with olive oil to the affected nail area on a regular basis it will help cure the infection.

Diet modification. Reduce sugar or refined carbohydrates in your diet because sugar feeds the fungus and it will make your condition worse. Probiotics (good bacteria) in your diet can help cure nail fungus naturally. Yogurt is a good source of probiotics. The acidophilus in yogurt fights bad bacteria causing fungal infections.

Make sure to trim the toenails habitually to lessen injury and trauma. If toenails are difficult to trim then soak the feet with warm salt water adding one teaspoon of salt to a pint of water. This is to make the nails soft and easy to trim.

Change and wash your towels regularly and do not allow other family members to use them.Do not put artificial nails, because they trap the water inside, which becomes static and allows fungal growth.If you have indeed experienced a fungal infection, throw away your old shoes or gloves to prevent the recurrence of the infection.Wear rubber gloves every time you wash the dishes.

It is recommended that you wash your feet with soap twice a day to keep the hygiene of your feet. Fungus in the nails is also caused due to excessive sweating and if you wear shoes all day, you should make sure that you properly rinse and wash your feet when you come back home. Proper care will help you stay away from fungal infections.

Lots of products claim to be able to get rid of nail fungi but not every single one delivers on its promise. You can make the right decision by first checking ingredient content. Find out what it contains and how it says it can help eradicate fungi. You can also research on client feedback on independent review sites.

You must avoid "digging-out" toenails that are ingrown most especially if they appear to be inflamed and sore. This will just aggravate the condition. It is advised that you should consult a dermatologist or a podiatrist.

Practice good nail and foot habits. To cure nail fungus naturally, practice good nail hygiene, wear clean socks and keep your nails clean, short and dry. Avoid bad habits like sharing footwear, nail clippers and other personal items to avoid spread of infections.Aside from the discomforts, it is really embarrassing to wear sandals and open-toed shoes if you have unsightly nail fungus.

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Overcome Infidelity

There is no question about it: infidelity can destroy a relationship by weakening the trust. You can turn things around and overcome infidelity. If you overcome infidelity your relationship will likely become strong again. Maybe it sounds impossible to you at this moment, but you can do it, no matter how untruthful you have been in the recent past.

The biggest crisis arises when people dwell too much on the symptoms of infidelity and overlook the main reasons of betrayal. It only takes common sense to understand that a person cheats his or her partner only when they find something missing in their relationship. And in order to fulfill this void, infidelity comes into play. Here's how to overcome infidelity and get relationship back on track:

Face it, you have been cheated.The first step to overcome the pain is to acceptance. If you are still in mental rejection stage, chances are you will never ever bring yourself to make a sound decision.Once you get to accept what has happened, realize it had nothing to do with you, then you will be able to move forward to the next phases of your life.

Discussion And soul searching.You really need to get everything out in the open and get to the bottom of why the affair occurred in the first place. It is much better, if you were totally honest with each other here as any more surprises coming out later, will almost certainly bring undone any progress that you start to make from here on in. Try and avoid playing the "blame game" as this usually ends in tears.

Get all of your questions answered and doubts cleared up. Don't take two steps forward and one back in your recovery. It's best to figure out all that you need to know and remove and doubt or suspicion that you have regarding the affair. This is how to overcome infidelity by clearing the way for trusting again.

During the course of overcoming infidelity the betrayer needs to remain accountable for his/her whereabouts, even if he/she thinks this is unfair or an encroachment or invasion of privacy.

Rather than the betrayed party having to constantly call and say "where are you?" it will be much easier on the relationship if the partner who had the affair calls home to say " I'm just on my way home" or " I be an hour late I am still at work". This accountability will not have to last for ever but in the early stages it is in important part of reconciling.

The betrayed party should begin to share the personal impact of the affair with the partner, and try to list at least three meanings of what exactly the affair has had for them. This will help the cheater, from a personal point of view, understand precisely what impact his/her actions has had on the partner.

One of the best ways to work at how to overcome infidelity is to seek some professional help. If you are going to make it work again you have to get to the nitty-gritty of the issue and see a couples therapist. You need to work together to see why he cheated and how, and if the problem can be fixed.

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Gift for a Newly Wed

When the newly weds think back on who gave them what gift, do you really want to be remembered for giving them Tupperware? I didn't think so. You're not Aunt Tilly. They can buy their own Tupperware. You want your gift to stand out as something special, unique, and something you selected especially for the newly weds.

People are always asking for some great wedding gift ideas for their friends or family. They want to get their loved ones something special for their big day, something to show the bride and groom how much they love them and are celebrating with them.

You can easily find a high-quality, meaningful gift for a newly wed well within your budget. Use the following ideas to find and create a charming gift.

Wedding Gift Basket.You can Send your best wishes with an elegant wedding gift basket filled with delicious treats and items that can be used for the celebration. The beautiful white basket is decorated with white flowers and white love birds, and contains a bottle of sparkling apple cider, two champagne glasses, a picture frame, candles, and gourmet snacks for two.

Something White:White is the color of purity and prosperity. You can gift them white flower bouquet, white pearls necklace, a white color handbag, signatures white photo frames and platters etc. Most people assume that traditional white wedding dress is a symbol of bride's virginity and purity. You can gift them a dress too.

Mugs have great utilitarian value. If you want to purchase a wonderful gift for the groom, you can present him a customized beer mug or a wine glass. He will surely appreciate it. Take care to select mugs that look macho. A man will appreciate brown or black mugs. Take care to see that the personal message on it is really extraordinary.

If you know the theme of the wedding, your shopping time could be cut in half. Simply choose a unique gift, they both will enjoy that concentrates around the theme.

If you don't know the theme of the wedding, think about the couple. What is their couple "identity"? For example, if they take a trip together... Do they go camping, skiing, golfing, to the beach, to the mountains?

Something different... You can gift them a range of photo quilts and pillows. Many stores provide these things on order and make ready in just 3 weeks. If you do not have their photos then don't worry, a gift certificate will make a sentimental touch.

Unity Candle:The lighting of the unity candle is a popular addition to the traditional wedding ceremony. The unity candle ceremony uses two taper candles with a large pillar candle (the unity candle) in the center.You can send a heirloom quality unity candle set that includes hand-printed, hand-polished unity candle and a unity candle stand with matching taper candles for the wedding ceremony.

In summary, a thoughtful wedding gift can deliver your best wishes and be remembered fondly for many years to come by the bride and groom. Some popular wedding gifts include wedding gift basket, wedding time capsule, wedding shower gift box, unity candle, personalized signature frame, toasting glass, and picture frame.

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Problems of Menopause

A woman's life is often marked by drastic changes. From adolescence to her menopausal years, women strive to cope up with the remarkable changes that come their way.

Menopause is a natural sign of aging. It generally occurs between ages forty-five to fifty. Menopause means end of menstruation and various changes in the body. Psychological changes are also indication of menopause. Menstrual cycles become irregular before menopause and when menstruation permanently ceases, the ovaries can no longer produce eggs or ova.

Menopause depression is a very genuine condition that has been studied over a few years.However people thought that this symptom was little more than a mental complaint for a long period. Recently some studies have revealed that it could be directly linked to hormones. While it is an unpleasant thing that has to be endured, you can find relief and let's look at the basics of this menopause symptom.

Throughout this time, many signs associated with ageing can appear as the hormonal balance alters with the drop in estrogen and progesterone levels. Skin is more likely to wrinkle, there can be growth of facial hair and a thinning of hair in the temple region. Muscles lose some strength and tone, and many women suffer hot flushes and insomnia. Your joints may begin to ache and bones can become more brittle, increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Vaginal dryness often results from these hormonal changes. The vaginal wall also becomes thinner and blood flow is restricted. Dryness can make sexual intercourse painful or uncomfortable and can lead to irritation and increased risk for infection. You will be happy to note that having regular sexual intercourse increases blood flow into the vagina.

No matter how discomforting the symptoms of menopause may be, the good news is that there are a lot of ways to go about it. There are a lot of natural remedies available within your reach, if you only knew what to look for.

To reduce the occurrence and the severity of these discomforting episodes, you need to drink a lot of water - lots and lots of it! As a rule, you need to gulp down at least 8 tall glasses of steam-distilled water every day. It would be extremely helpful if you can take 800 mg of primrose oil 3 times during the day and 300 IU of vitamin E once daily. These supplements can be very effective in solving these problems of menopause. You may even be surprised by what it can do for you!

Assess your situation and look for ways to reduce your stress level. Make time to just relax and enjoy a calm hobby. By taking your mind off of what is making you anxious, you remove its control over you.

Make exercise a priority every day. Walking fast for 30 - 40 minutes every day can have a very positive effect on your attitude. It is a natural way to reduce toxins and release nervous tension.

During the peri-menopausal stage, one of the more dangerous results of menopause is possible bone loss. It's a worrying time for women but shouldn't be if the right preparation has taken place. Bone loss increases to 2-3% per year during perimenopause with osteoparosis a possible result. There are ways to combat bone loss and your doctor again is your go to person. This is why ignoring menopause during your younger years and refusing to understand it, it's symptoms and consequences it's a little irresponsible.

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Home Decorating Ideas

We all think about home decor at one point of time. Probably, you have just moved into a new place, or want to completely change the look of your current home. Even if you are satisfied with your home decor, you may want to make a few small changes to give your home a fresh look. You don't need to be a professional interior designer to decorate your home the way you like, but a few home decor ideas may be helpful.

One factor that can detract from room enhancement efforts is a room filled with piles of papers, books, clothes and furniture, which all amount to clutter. One of the simplest ways to redecorate is to de-clutter the space to open it up to the possibilities of change. This is something the whole family can work together to do and will yield beneficial results for everyone.

Here are home decor tips to consider before you get started with your home decorating ideas:

Don't make a small room seem smaller by filling it full of "stuff." This means you might have to put away some of your knick-knacks and restrain yourself from buying additional decorative items. You will find an uncluttered home will provide more comfort and pleasure and make your home decorating ideas a reality.

The next thing is formulate a design on the paper saying where the furniture is kept and do a rough detailing. This will assist you in knowing whether you are moving on the right track or not. There have instances, where people bought so many things that instead of a decorating the room, they even ruled out the empty space for moving freely.

Mix, don't match.  Gone are the days of the three-piece suite and the co-ordinated cushions and curtains. It's much more interesting to use what's already there in your home and combine it in new, unexpected ways. Try an old-fashioned embroidered cushion on a simple modern chair. Or fill plain milk bottles with sweets in colorful wrappers and use them instead of flower vases.

By keeping furniture items to a minimum you will create extra floor space and give the room a clean, uncluttered look. Diminish "solid shapes" by choosing furniture with legs that help create a sense of space--a home decorating ideas to use over and over!

If you are creative and eclectic, then you can be specific as family gatherings, antiques, gardening, entertaining at home, and encourage the old things in general. This means you may want to include anything done at home as additional decorative accessories. Adding antique furniture, carpets as well as window curtains that largely match your personality is also a good decorating option.

Add warmth to your windows. If you presently have just a valence up at the window, maybe now is the time to add the panels. Conversely, if you have just panels, add a swag over the top of the rod. Add trim to the inside edge of some panels, or bullion fringe at the hem. Layering more fabric at the window in the colder months will insulate and be warmer.

If you have a lonely wall in a room, do what I did when I lived in a Craftsman style home - I found an old fireplace mantel (not the entire unit, just the mantel!), painted it white and placed it on a narrow wall that was painted Hunter Green. I decorated the mantel as well as the area under it, and the overall look was beautiful in the room. Most guests didn't even realize it was a faux fireplace!

Nothing can spruce up your living space like green leafy plants and floral arrangements. You don't even have to have a green thumb to add some greenery to your home. There are many low-maintenance plant varieties to choose from or select a life-like artificial plant or arrangement.

As a final low-cost home decor ideas, don't assume that you'll have to buy new furniture to make-over the decor in your room. Believe it or not, simply rearranging your furniture and decorative items can be enough of a change to produce a new look which will achieve the results you want and work great for your room.

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Basic Barbecue Advice

The idea of getting outdoors and doing some cooking always seems like a good one in the summer months. What could be more fun that cooking barbeque. If your BBQ experiences haven't lived up to expectations, then our tips may well help.Having a backyard barbeque with friends and family is one of life's great pleasures. Whether you own a gas grill or charcoal grill, barbequed foods taste great. To help make your cooking barbeque experience even more enjoyable, I've listed some tips that all backyard chefs should be aware of.

You don't have to be an expert at all kind of meat grilling and fire building, but you do need some basic Barbecue advice. You need to be slow and methodical by paying attention to what you are doing when it comes to controlling a fire, which is an important part of a successful barbecue.

Before firing up the grill and cooking on it, be sure to spray the grill with a non-stick spray. The last thing you want to have happen is for your chicken to stick to the grill and tear all apart when attempting to turn it over. Another benefit of using a non-stick spray is that it makes clean up so much easier.

Brush on Vegetable oil or olive oil on grill before and after use. These oils are great because they withstand high temperatures without burning off as easily as other oils. Doing this regularly keeps any burn residue soft so it is easily removed. This procedure also ensures even cooking distribution.

The most important thing you need to do when barbequing is to control the heat. If your fire gets to hot or flares up out of control you can easily burn and dry out your meat. This is not something that is fun to have happen because it effectively kills the whole barbeque experience.

In order to keep your chicken moist you can baste it constantly over a slow heat with apple juice. You can use almost anything other than wine for basting. Wine will cause the chicken to dry out and depending on what type of wine can even cause a bigger fire to occur.

When using a barbeque sauce be sure to wait until the outside of the meat is cooked before applying the sauce with your brush. If you add your barbeque sauce to early it can char and cause flares ups when it drips off the meat.

Marinades offer the best of both worlds. Marinating your chicken before you grill allows your flavor to permeate the meat and it'll be moist and juicy - perfectly grilled chicken! The there are many marinades out on the market today that keep your chicken moist throughout the grilling process.

Don't poke holes in your meat. What happens when you poke a hole in a piece of meat that has been on the smoker a while? You can literally see the juices gushing out! Do your injections before cooking and maybe insert one temperature probe. After that, try not to poke it any more. Don't use a fork to pick up your meat. Wear gloves and use your hands or tongs. Of course, let your meat rest properly before cutting or pulling. If you don't, all the juices will pour out and your meat will be dry

You should only flip the steak one time and you should never puncture the steak with a fork. Always use tongs or a spatula to handle the steak, so that you don't let any of the flavorful juices drip out onto the bottom of the grill and out of your delicious steak!

It is good to keep tabs on the internal temperature of the meat, and you can do this easily with an inexpensive meat thermometer. You will want to take the meat off of the barbecue just before it is actually done cooking and let it sit for a little while. It will continue to cook for several minutes after being removed from the grill. If you don't take this into account, your meat can get overcooked and/or dry.

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Benefits of Roses

In spite of its easy availability and cost-effectiveness, the virtues of rose water are often underplayed. Rose Water holds an important place in aromatherapy and spa-treatment but it can have many more uses if given a place on the dresser or the kitchen!

Rose water is main ingredient that you can find in many skincare products. Read this article below which throws light as to how with the help of rose water you can naturally bring glow and life to your dull and damaged skin.

There are many therapeutic benefits as well as the visual and sensory delight they impart. The next time you stop to view or smell a beautiful rose enjoy the uplifting feeling you experience from them.

The therapeutic benefits of roses are mostly associated with topical products for skin care. They have been used for dry and sensitive skin and making aging skin look younger. The rose has also been used as a therapeutic sedative to soothe the nerves. It can help in the treatment of stress, peptic ulcers, nervous tensions, and even heart disease. You wouldn't think that a single rose could have this much power, but it actually does.

This flower is effective in relieving stress as it soothes nerves. It has anti depressant and sedative properties. A rose petal concoction is useful against infections especially bladder infections. It is also useful in diarrhea. Water decoction is useful in treating sore throat.

rose extracts/rose water carries little effectiveness on your acne condition. You should be concentrating your time on more effective treatments such as eating a balanced diet daily, applying acne medication, vitamin treatment and so on.

Rose water is used as a flavoring for food in a variety of Indian curries, Greek pastries and Middle East dishes including baklava and marzipan. The water should be used in small amounts as a flavoring and can be streaked through cream, custards, ice cream, baked sweets and fruits for an element of surprise. In Morocco they combine fresh squeezed orange juice with a splash of rose water to begin the day.

rose water is used on all auspicious occasions and on alters because of its cleansing properties and soothing aroma. Rose Water can be mixed with home-made and powdered face packs to tone the skin and clear it of blemishes. Even by itself, it makes for a great natural toner- especially when refrigerated and dabbed over the face in hot summers.

Moreover you would be surprised to read that this fragrant water unclogs the pores that lead to blackheads on your skin. In this way, your skin gets protected from skin problems like acnes, blackheads, pimples. Even use of rose water helps in treating various kinds of bacterial infections. It keeps your skin young and radiant. Use of rosy water on regular basis prevents premature wrinkling of skin.

If you have sensitive skin that gets easily inflamed when exposed to sun rays, chemicals then trust me, it is a wonderful remedy for you! It greatly helps in treating sunburns and provides cooling effect on your skin.

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Remedies for Pimples

Admit it, there is nothing pleasant about a pimple. And a pimple that lingers for days on end adds insult to injury, especially when you've spent many sleepless hours wondering how to remove pimples.

Remedies for pimples are not very hard to find. You are not supposed to find the surgical ways to get your pimples wiped off from your face. There are certain remedies that are absolutely not that hard and difficult to find and apply.

Pimples are as a matter of fact blocked pores which break out in form of white heads, black heads, blemishes etc. in order to get rid of these pimples; there are certain easy remedies from which you can be benefited.

What causes head pimples? Firstly, the usual oil causes it. However, micro-organisms like yeast, mites and staph bacterium that thrive on the scalp can also lead to the head pimples.Yeast caused head pimples are the more cumbersome ones. They might be stubborn to lotions and shampoos.

While it may be seemingly impossible to really remove pimples overnight, most home experts and DIY goddess would, indeed, swear by the following methods on how to get rid of pimples overnight.
First step is drink a glass of ice water in the early morning or have a glass of fresh juice which is squeezed by you, packed drinks are not preferred.

Water is one of the best ways to clear up your skin blemishes. It is a natural product and helps flush out the bad toxins out of your body which assist in maintaining a healthy, glowing skin. Stick to good hygiene and always use all natural products to eradicate your pimples.

Always wash your face but choose only cleansers that are not harsh on the skin, don't scrub it either because you're only stripping out your skin of its essential oils. And in doing so, your acne problem will just become worse.

Try Honey.I know you loved having honey as a kid. It can be an excellent way to get rid of pimples. It has amazing cleansing properties. Washing face with warm water can help open skin pores. Then applying honey for a few minutes before washing it can help cleanse your skin nicely. Once you have washed your face, splash some cold water to close the skin pores.

Stop the habit of picking or squeezing your blemishes as this will only lead to dark blotches and scars that are hard to get rid of. Also try to avoid touching or rubbing your skin's lesions since this action can cause infections from harmful bacteria.

When you are about to take a hot shower at night or in the morning, take a couple minutes to let the steam run on your face where the pimple is.Steam is good for the skin and will unblock your pores, thus cleansing your skin and the acne and or pimple.

Lemon juice - lemon juice has natural acids that will help zap up the oil and dirt that are clogging up your pores and causing pimples. Rubbing open lemons on your face on a daily basis is a great way to have clean and shiny smooth skin, aside from removing pimples that are there.

Apply lotion often. When you wash your face, the worst thing to do is it leave it dry. Your skin naturally produces oils to keep the skin from drying out, so when you wash your face, it will immediately begin creating oil again. To keep it from producing too much oil, which results in pimples, use a gentle face lotion to provide the moisture you need.

These are just some remedies that you can use when you are trying to cure acne. Aside from external remedies, remember that there are always ways that you can prevent getting acne in the first place. Eating healthily and staying away from polluted areas is a great way to prevent you from getting acne.Also, try to exercise and drink a lot of water, as these two things will help in continually detoxifying your body and subsequently leading to your having cleaner, smoother and healthy skin.You can say goodbye and remove pimples for good when you use these home remedies.

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How to Remove Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are not fatal, but they are very annoying and frustrating to anyone who has them. Imagine those unsightly lines that just appear out of nowhere, without asking for them. And what's worse, you try product after product with the hope of one day making them go away, when the truth is, they might just be with you forever.

Once the elasticity of the skin has reached its limit the under layers of skin become damaged.Main causes of stretch marks are:
Heredity - Some people are just genetically predisposed to their formation.
Weight - Rapid weight gain from bodybuilding or pregnancy. Also, they can be due to excessive weight loss.
Skin type - Drier and less elastic skin types are more prone to the development.
Many people are wondering how to remove stretch marks, and I am here to tell you that there is hope.

Diet - Skin needs to be hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Skin that is well hydrated remains supple and soft and is less likely to form stretch marks. Liquids that tend to dehydrate the skin are tea, soda and caffeinated coffee. To promote healthy skin, eat foods that are high in Vitamins A, C and D, zinc and protein.

You must make it a point to stick to a regular exercise routine. It is known to work wonders on the skin. You will pretty soon realize that exercise is one of the potent answers to the question, how to remove stretch marks. Regular exercise will help keep your skin glowing with good health too.

Emu oil is considered to be very effective in removing marks obtained during pregnancy. Vitamin E, Aloe Vera and olive oil can also be used for this purpose. These can be massaged into your skin twice a day.

Massages: The success of this trusted method is based on the role it plays in stimulating capillary circulation, thereby aiding fresh tissue growth. While there's no doubt about the comfort and enjoyment involved in this route to a stretch marks free body, it's also important to understand and accept that this method is considered more a part of the prevention side of things than the cure.

Cocoa Butter - Cocoa butter is one of the most traditional options in removing these scars. Many people use it because it is very cheap and contains ingredients that is good for the skin. It doesn't work for all people especially those with severe marks but it's worth a try since it's so cheap.

1/2 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup Aloe Vera gel, liquid from 6 vitamin E Capsules, liquid from 4 vitamin A capsules. Place in refrigerator. Apply directly to stretch marks.It will definately help in removing marks permanently.

Use Sunscreen.As you may already know by now, UV rays are not good for your skin. Not only can UV rays cause skin cancer, but it also generally causes premature aging. When your skin has extensive sun damage, it is unable to do repair work properly, thus resulting in scarring and stretch marks. So each time you go out under the sun, always wear sunscreen.

Chemical peels. This is done by a dermatologist, by removing a few layers of the skin which are affected by stretch marks, and when this happens, new layers of skin are formed, to even out the surface and color on the outside. More collagen is also formed, making way for a thicker, more elastic skin!

These are just some of the ways on how to remove stretch marks. The best way to minimize development is to maintain a healthy and hydrated skin.

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How to Keep the Love Burning

Couples get to be so excited for their wedding they tend to forget that marriage is the most important aspect of their relationship and not merely that one-day affair or ceremony. Each day, you are bound to live your life with him in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, 'til death do you part.

If you want your marriage to be successful, you will need to exert extra effort to keep the spark alive. As a wife, you can make the first move and show your husband how much you love him. Do all your best to maintain connection with him.

There are several things to do to make your husband feel special that will transform your relationship and make your marriage stronger than ever.

Give him his daily dose of hugs and kisses.Although your husband might not have the time to kiss or hug you in his hurry to rejoin the rat race, you can still give him a quick hug and a kiss.This will remind your husband that you still love him and provide him some justification as to why he works so hard each day.

Keep things spiced up.Being married, you have every reason to stay active and creative with your sex life. Sex will keep your relationship healthy and it will help you stay connected to each other. Stay hot and good in bed to deter him from finding another partner that will satisfy his sexual cravings.

Respect each other.This will probably involve the husband showing respect for his wife as a part of trying to communicate his love for her.The wife, however, really needs to respect her husband because studies have shown that one of a husband's greatest needs is to feel respected and admired by his wife. That is the additional emphasis in the aspect of love that can help you, as a wife, learn how to make your husband feel special.

One of the simplest things to do to make your husband feel special is to plan a surprise evening for him.Most men would be blown away if their wife gave them two tickets to their favorite team's next home game, and told him to take his best friend. He'll love this as it shows that you are truly thinking of him.

Share the good and bad things that happen to you. Allow him to know your plans, thoughts and worries. Ask him what he thinks and seek his advice occasionally. This will convey a message to him that he is your partner, and that you can always rely on each other.

Remind him of how much he means to you.You too might get caught up in your daily routine to remind your husband of how special he is.You should whisper those loving words into your husband's ears whenever you do get a little time or even remind him in bed during or after a lovemaking session. This will make your husband feel truly special.

Love Him for Who he Is.You will only meet the real him once you start living with him. You will learn that there are things that he can't do and things that he can't give you. Make your husband feel special by loving him for who he is. Accept what he can give you and what he can do for you. Don't try to change him to be someone else entirely.

Make a point each and every day to thank him for the things he does for you. Plan outings that you know are of interest to him and make him feel special again. He'll be touched by your efforts and it will help him see how much he truly means to you.

Make Sure He Knows You Only Have Eyes for Him.One of the best ways to make your husband feel special is to make him feel physically attractive. Let me know that you only have eyes for him - that he is the best-looking, most attractive man in the room and in your life. You wouldn't believe how close he will feel to you if you do!

These are simple tricks you can try to show your love to your husband and keep your relationship stronger. Keep the love burning through years is very important. If you know how to make your husband feel special, you are already on your way to a fruitful and healthy relationship.

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Basic Beauty Tips

The way you think leads you to portray an influence on your face. For instance, if your thoughts are focused on looking beautiful every day and all the good things in life, soon you will see that the smile on your face would become highly prominent and it would enhance the features of your face extensively.

Everybody, including most women, wants to have beautiful skin but don't know how to keep it looking that way. There are just a few basic beauty tips that you can make use of to ensure that your skin stay looking young, fresh, and beautiful for many years to come.

The first of many little-known basic beauty tips is as natural as you can get; simply keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water. It helps keep your skin looking young and fresh. Your skin is a living organ that needs water, and denying it water will make it dull and lifeless. Drinking plenty of water will keep your skin hydrated and beautiful.

Pamper Your Body.The first secret to true beauty is a natural body glow. Try a refreshing exfoliate with a homemade mix of olive oil, sea salt or sugar. Dry brushing your body, preferably with a natural bristle brush before a bath. It helps to stimulate the glands.

Stay Clean - Maintaining proper care of your skin and hair will not only keep you looking beautiful but also feeling healthy. Be sure to wash your hair at least every two days, and every day for oily hair.

Makeup is indispensable in your beauty regime. Applying make-up should not take you more than fifteen minutes every day. You just need the basic makeup in your daily life. Use moisturizer to even out your complexion and use concealer to hide the blemishes and dark circles under your eyes.

Do a quick exfoliation. Visit your favorite cosmetics counter for an exfoliant or make a simple sugar scrub for yourself. Use it to get rid of dead skin on hands, elbows and feet. Then slather on your favorite lotion.

Use lip gloss or ChapStick to keep your lips soft, moist, and kissable. Use a product with sunscreen (like Softlips or Blistex) to prevent getting sunburn on your lips (a truly awful experience if you've never had it).

Keep Your Nails Neat - The fingers and nails are an important but sometimes overlooked area of personal grooming. Keep an even length on your nails, always filing them down to the shortest one. And if you're worried about them looking too short, a little nail polish can help to hide that fact.

Healthy and proper diet has been proven to make a person look younger. It is not recommended to eat processed food if you want to follow a healthy diet plan. The foods and beverages that are good for intake are green tea, green vegetables, and salmon.

Applying honey or plain yogurt directly on your skin makes an excellent anti-bacterial face mask. Rinse gently with warm water and you won't believe how soft and supple your skin feels!

Beauty Before Bed - Always make sure to remove makeup before bed as it can clog pores and cause breakouts overnight. You may also use an oil-free cleanser before bed and in the morning to prevent shine and oily skin.

The other thing that you must avoid is an environment that is intensively polluted. Too much exposure to air pollution could cause spots and burns on your skin, not to mention rashes that might lead to boils developing all over.Your skin is an extremely delicate part of your body, and you must keep your body strictly safe from all such dangerous environments that might cause harm to your skin. If you follow these basic rules and guidelines, you will soon see the results becoming visible on your skin.

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Step to Spiritual Transformation

The first step to spiritual transformation is to gain some measure of emotional insight, to gain a measure of perspective in our daily interactions. How many times have we all fallen prey to negative emotions when, in the back of our mind, we knew were headed for trouble.we cannot gain insight when we are to closely entangled or dominated by them.

The spiritual path is beautiful, ugly, profound and ordinary all at once. It comes full of elusive aspirations, emotional dramas, transcendent bliss and everything else in between - and frankly, it can sometimes feel like living in a terrifying hell, or in a pristine heaven, or at other times just simply boring and pointless.

Religion and spirituality are not the same thing. Religion is a set and system of beliefs. Spirituality is an ongoing search for understanding. Religion might be seen as a place and spirituality as a journey. Your journey might lead you to religion, spirituality is definitely a part of all religions, but religion is not a part of all spiritual journeys.

Over the years, we have been fortunate to have explored and developed some transformational approaches to spiritual growth and healing. We tend to use Spiritual Kinesiology and EFT as basic intervention tools. But to what do we apply these powerful, transformative tools?

When we experience the world with this clarity, when we empty our minds allowing more clarity, we let go of our habitual reactions and make room for a more insightful relationship with the world. Insight arises from the greater space we have opened up in the underlying depth of our mind, thus spiritually transforming our experience. We forget ourselves, our habitual thinking and action.

Facing the Problem.The beginning of recovery is acknowledging that there is a problem involving drugs or alcohol, that there is help outside oneself, and the willingness to utilize it. This also represents the beginning of hope and trust in something beyond oneself (such as a therapist, sponsor, or the program). Invariably, it has taken years to face the problem, but by opening a closed family system, and learning about addiction, denial starts to thaw.

Self Love and Healing.I have found the third step is deeply connected to the second step. Step 3 is all about self-love and healing. It surprises me how many people on a spiritual path hate themselves and seem to dedicate very little time to their own healing.

Understanding a New Reality.After making the decision to find out what is on the other side of the door, the first step towards spiritual growth often involves a thirst for understanding. This often involves a mental understanding of a new paradigm. Here we have the 'theory' step.

Surrender.The acknowledgment of powerlessness leaves a void, which formerly was filled with a lot of mental and physical activity trying to control and manipulate the addiction or the substance abuser. Feelings of anxiety, anger, loss, emptiness, boredom, and depression arise. The emptiness that was masked by the addiction is now revealed. It is an awesome realization when you acknowledge that you or your loved one has a life threatening addiction, subject only to a daily reprieve, over which you are powerless.

Doing what is Good for the Soul: Gaining Power.In the fourth step we bring our awareness back to the enticing first step where we learned about higher states of consciousness and the new ways of being.Having a foundation of gentle growth and progression, we can calmly and realistically absorb more of the spiritual practices and begin to apply and experience the meditations, the contemplations and other practices in a real, integrated and meaningful way.

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Make Friends in College

Did you know that number one reason new college students drop out of school in their first year, is because they don't feel like they belong? Your desire to make friends in college is often underestimated by adults. That you want to make friends in college is very important.

Every person is different, knows different things, acts differently, does different things, and you wonder how we all get along? Well, some of us do get along with everyone, some people don't get along with many people. Some people need encouragement and some people need advice and some people need compliments.

Although your new environment may be intimidating, don't fret - there are plenty of opportunities for making new friends! Here are a few  tips for making new friends I've gathered from my first week of college that will hopefully make your transition to college a bit easier!

One of the key points to remember when making real friends is being real. An authentic person can sustain a relationship whether it is a friendly, work or romantic relationship. People that pretend to be someone they are not will eventually turn into their real selves and you will probably lose interest.

Review Your College Website. The absolute first thing you should do is familiarize yourself with your college website as to what's happening on campus. Look at the various student clubs and organizations and try to find one or more that interests you.

Another way to make friends in college is to strategically make friends with people who I call "social connectors". A social connector is someone who is very well connected with other people. They know just about everybody. They are just friendly with everyone.

Keep In Touch Once you've met someone for the first time, make an effort to hang out with them the next day or later that afternoon. Go to a dining hall together to get dinner, explore the campus, hang out in your dorm room. The more effort you put in to keeping in touch, the more likely that they will do the same in the future.

Keep Your Door Open - Your room and you yourself are a lot more accessible and easy to talk to if you keep your dorm room door open. This gesture is kind of like saying, "Hey, I'm open to talk if you want. Feel free to pop in and say hi."

Introduce yourself to your class and/or your dormitory where you are staying on campus.Show up early for orientation.Make sure that you attend parties, sports events and special gatherings where people socialise.Remain open to new cultures, ideas and values.

Get Involved but Not Too Involved - If you're constantly involved in lots of activities like organizations, study groups, clubs or what have you, and are meeting lots and lots of people don't be surprised if you haven't found the closer type of friendships that you desire.

Join a Fraternity or Sorority. The Greek Life! Joining a fraternity or sorority is a great way to make new friends, have a support structure for academics, get involved with campus activities, community service and leadership opportunities.

The key to getting good, true friends is to be the kind of person others want as their good, true friend. When you do that, a connection will be made that will not get broken. A good friendship based on honesty will last.

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Proposing to a Girl

Proposals are supposed to be romantic and memorable. And yet so many men end up botching the whole thing and making themselves miserable in the process. If you want to know how to propose to your girlfriend, remember this: It doesn't have to be expensive nor cheesy; it only takes a little creativity.

It's not an easy thing for guys when it comes to proposing to a girl of their dreams who have made their countless nights go sleepless. But I know just one thing, that these guys are a big thing to handle. They go to any extent when it comes to making a proposal.

You could be planning to ask a girl on date, but at the same time also quivering with fear at the thought that she might reject your proposal.Every girl dreams of getting proposed some day. It is a difficult job but not impossible. A good proposal is sure to be accepted and sometimes even changes girls decision about you within seconds. So it has to be done carefully and follow these proposing tips.

Make it personal! There's no excuse for carbon copying an idea from somewhere else, especially since the two of you should have many shared experiences! So you know exactly what she likes!

set up a firm stage before you pop the question. Use humor and charm to make her comfortable in your presence. Exchange small talk and ideas to find out her likes and dislikes and observe her body language to find out if she would be receptive to the idea of a date.

Make A Fairy Tale Come True.Every girl has her own fairytale that she would love to be realized. If you want to fulfill that dream for her, the proposal is the best way to do it. First of all, you have to know what kind of happy ending she wants. And take your own fairytale into consideration as well.

Be qa Gentleman not a boy.Stop behaving like a boy like stop getting jealous or thinking of changing your name. Only kids do such things. A real gentleman loves everybody, respects everybody, doesn't get angry and lives for others. Dress-up like a man too.

Do it the classic way - Well, although this is the usual thing a guy does when proposing, it still can sweep a girl off their feet. Go down on your knees with a rose in your hand and the ring on the other and tell her the magic words.

Practice! You'll feel stupid doing it, but make sure you do and I mean in front of the mirror and your Dog! Otherwise, she'll be telling all her mates how you bumbled the most important words in both your lives!

If she is into outdoor adventure then promise her a date while trekking on a mountain or if she loves movies then tell her that you have 2 tickets for her favorite movie. Once she understands that you have custom-made a date especially for her, she will be more than happy to say yes.

Be romantic - If you are the romantic type of guy, then you can take her out on a romantic candle lit dinner in a classy restaurant, with your theme song playing as the background.

Finally, enjoy it! This is your big moment! Just make sure you've thought through every eventuality and you'll be fine! Good luck!.These proposing tips will prepare you for your date and by studying your girl's tastes before popping the question, you will surely succeed in getting only a positive answer from her.

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Body Detoxification

The body is such a wonderful and reliable system. With it, people can go through their lives accomplishing different goals every day. However, the body can also be the most neglected and abused!if not eliminated or purged out, our body will be prone to all kinds of chronic diseases such as premature aging, indigestion, gastric, severe headache, insomnia, fatigue, etc.

One of the most important reasons to understand (and practice) how to detox your body is because of the growing levels of man made chemicals, pollutants and toxins that are flooding the environment every day.

A full body detoxification can truly be a personal cathartic experience.Fortunately, there are some useful body detox tips that can come to the rescue.A body detox program shouldn't be all about suffering and sacrifice. It should be fun, too!

- First, you do make sure that you start the detox while relaxed and when you have a couple days off work. Your body should be relaxed, as this is a big shift. It will take your body some getting used to. This is the first and one of the most important tips.

- This is truly the best thing that you can use for a free detox. Pure water (not tap water, as this contains too many toxins) not only contains various minerals and nutrients that will keep your healthy and keep your body's detox engine ticking over nice and strong, but water is also the main means by which your body removes unwanted toxins from the body.

-  Eat Healthy fruits and vegetables.Everyone says it, but it really does have a positive effect on your overall health. Eating these foods will also help your body to detox much more quickly. Foods like Spinach and Broccoli are fantastic colon cleansers too.

- When doing a dry skin rub during a whole body detox, all you need to to do is get a long handled bristle brush that will allow you to brush your entire body. Start with your feet and move up your body, and when you get to your chest, brush towards the heart. Cover every inch of your body in this fun natural body detox act

- Exercise regularly.Simple exercises such as brisk walking, running, swimming, etc. if perform on a regular basis not only will help to strengthen our immune system but also help in detoxification. When you exercise you breathe more deeply which can help oxygenate the cells in our body, this in turn helps our body to detoxify.

- Another good tip is to make sure that you do eat "fresh" raw vegetables and fruits. This goes with juices as well.Do not eat fruits and vegetables that are laden with pesticides, because this will defeat the purpose to rid your body of chemicals and toxins.

- Get a good night's sleep: The body needs time each night to recover from a hard day's work. Getting eight hours of sleep each night will have you feeling fresh every day

- Quit smoking and drinking: Perhaps the easiest way to begin the cleansing process is to avoid things that are known to be harmful, such as tobacco and alcohol, also, Eliminate caffeine addiction: One cup of coffee or tea every morning is fine, but several cups each day will affect sleep patterns and energy levels.

- Herbal Steams. Ever hold your head over boiling water with a towel draped over your hair? Herbal treatments work the same, but have the added benefit of using certain plants with known detox properties. Boil up some today, place a couple of drops of essential oils on your forehead, and get to it!

What these body detox tips really convey is that what is enjoyable at the moment could be harmful in the long run. Create a paradigm shift and tell yourself that getting on a healthy lifestyle can also be pleasurable. Program your mind to believe that a fresh fruit salad is much more delicious than numerous bars of chocolate with nuts and nougat. At the end of the line, you will not only be able to rescue your body but also enjoy life longer.

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Important Pregnancy Tips

Being pregnant is one of those points in your life when you need to follow your practitioner's advice , take extra special care of yourself, keep healthy and put you and your baby first. Check out these pregnancy tips to help you enjoy this special period of your life.

You should take a very good care of your unborn baby. The health of the pregnant woman is directly related to the health of the baby.While pregnancy could be a joyous stage for women, it is also inevitable that it would come with some cases of discomfort. Some find it hard to sleep, while some find it too hard to move. So, let us have a look at some of the important Pregnancy tips.

- One practical tip is to learn to love your own belly. This is a simple manifestation that you love being pregnant. And if you do so, you would do everything to protect yourself and your baby.

- Remember the only nutrients your baby gets is from the food you are eating. The best way to stay healthy during a pregnancy is with balanced meals and a good workout program. Your doctor can tell you how much weight you should gain during your pregnancy.

- Stop smoking and drinking. Smoking and drinking are injurious to health and moreover when you are pregnant you need to quit all these bad habits. It has an adverse effect for the unborn baby.
2. A pregnant woman has to exercise regularly in order to keep herself fit. Exercise allows more air to enter the body. This in turns helps the baby to develop quickly.

- Exercise. Always check with your health care practitioner to make sure you get the amount of exercise that is right for you (in some circumstances exercise is not advisable) but as a general rule exercise is beneficial.

- Refuse to worry. High levels of stress and anxiety can cause preterm birth or a low birth weight. To combat worry and fear, acquire knowledge about child birth, practice meditation, and ask friends to keep their "horror stories" to themselves.

- Be Truthful. Make sure that you are completely truthful with your doctor. Some women are embarrassed to reveal all the information about their current habits or medical history which may put your pregnancy at a higher risk. It is vital that your doctor knows everything about you including any drugs (legal or illegal, prescription or over-the-counter) you may be taking or have taken in the past and any past illnesses or medical procedures you may have undergone.

- Constant visits to the doctor will become part of your weekly or monthly routine. It's important to keep close watch on the development of your fetus. The doctor can only do so much. It's up to you as the mother to take proper measures to ensure your baby's health as well as yours.

- Give your body the sleep it craves. Hormonal changes in you and the growing baby cause you to need more sleep, especially in the first trimester.

- There are many spas nowadays to offer a reflexology session along with a pedicure. is a gentle acupressure on the legs. Make sure you mention about your pregnancy and tailor it to be for a pregnant woman. It can relieve back aches, stress, complains due to pregnancy.

You won't be able to be in control all the time. A lot of things are out of your control during pregnancy. You'll have morning sickness to deal with. You may require bed-rest if you have a high risk pregnancy. Learn to expect the unexpected while pregnant. It will be good practice for when the baby comes.

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Creative Writing Skills

Creative writing is more of a learnt trait than something one is born with. Children are born with a lot of imagination. But to skillfully express the imagination into creative writing requires practice, language skills and expression abilities. These need to be developed.

The best tip for new creative writers is to practice creative writing. While creative writing talent is the paramount ingredient in your writing success, you also need basic skills, basic tools and knowledge of standard writing techniques.

If you've struggled for direction and ideas in your creative writing lately, then creative writing prompts could be just the boost you need. A prompt is simply a few words or an idea that give you a starting point for your creativity to expand from.

Simple writing is not like a piece of furniture. It is just like that you can claim to make a chair as you have enough practice of sitting on it. While your first writing document may disappoint you in first attempt but you should not lose hope. Constant practice and training in creative writing program is very helpful to polish your hidden creative writing skills.

Writing prompts are quick and easy to use.Have a stock of prompts ready to call upon when your writing is feeling a little stuck, and they become like the tasty energy boosting snack you have between main meals. You don't need hours of planning beforehand, just grab a prompt and off you go.

Believe you're creative. If you didn't believe you were capable of writing creatively at all, you wouldn't even be trying, so you're off to a great start. Now you can build on this core belief.

Try to work out in that time when you like to write:Some writers prefer to work early in the morning because they regard morning time suitable for creative writing. Some prefer to work late at night when all family members have gone to bed. You should do not waste time to do such experiment.

Some times it is helpful to brainstorm and write whatever comes into your head to get your ideas flowing. This is a great way to be creative in terms of creative writing. Most writers will benefit from methods like brainstorming.

Your mind contains thousands of fragments of thoughts and ideas lying waiting to be used, like leaves in a dried up river bed. When you use creative writing prompts, the river rushes through again, collecting and reviving all the leaves of almost forgotten ideas, giving them new life and new ways to evolve into wonderful writing.

Getting feedback.All writers need to edit and revise their work on completion. First attempt will never give perfection in your work. When you have completed initial draft, leave it for a few days-come back and pinpoints mistake with red pen. If you cannot pinpoint them, ask your fellow writer to go through it and provide feedback.

Preservation and refreshment of language and culture - it is the duty of literature as a way of life to preserve the language we speak, cultural values and practices. Language here does not mean dialect, not that literature does not preserve or refresh dialect, but the emphasis should be on its ability to retain expressions that were used thousands of decades back for generations yet unborn.

Carry a notebook to note your observation:You will find great lines of dialogues if you keep your ears open in cars or on the bus. You should write down any unusual phrase in your note book that you smell or see.

The bottom line is, whatever works for you! There's no definitive answer or method that works flawlessly for everyone.So be bold, and try experimenting with different numbers of projects, combining different sized projects and so on. Take note of what helps you be more productive, have more ideas, etc and build on this knowledge and experience.

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How to get Confidence

Confidence shows something about yourself. It is the way you carry yourself in public whether you know it or not. Some people like to be around confident people. Some people don't because they find them arrogant. But arrogance comes from being overconfident.

Confidence isn't just for the good times. In fact, the mark of a truly confident person is that they maintain their confidence when times are bad. People who are only confident when things are going well for them have a fragile confidence that you can't really call true confidence.

If you are the kind of person who always put themselves down and fails to recognise your own great qualities, then you really need to know how to get confidence. It all starts with being sure of yourself and from there you can be more outward with your new level of esteem.

- The first way - Watch your posture - This may sound not have a relationship with the confidence that we are talking about, but actually the way you sit or stand will send certain messages to people around you. If that message shows confidence, you will get a positive response from others and of course this will increase the confidence of your own.

- To learn building confidence you must first identify in which area you have low confidence and the cause that is holding you in this state.

- By always comparing yourself to your peers, you will always find faults with yourself.So concentrate on yourself and like the bits which are good about you. Be kind to yourself. It will make a difference. If there is anything you do not like about yourself, look for ways to improve it.

- Repeating to yourself that the day is going to be wonderful at least 10 times a day in front of a mirror, will surprisingly give you great results. This enthusiasm sinks into your sub-conscious mind and helps to determine the attitude that you will start your day with.

- Confidence comes from not letting other people's thoughts or opinions put you down or stop you from performing. It comes from not caring about what other people. It comes from indifference. People's opinions or criticism to you isn't a big deal to you.

- Whether you choose family members, co-workers, or friends for inspiration, finding a confident role model will assist you to become more confident in yourself. Obviously it will be easier if you have regular contact with the person you have chosen to emulate, so that you can pay close but discreet attention to how they conduct themselves.

- If you try to do anything without belief, the likelihood is you will either fail, or you will achieve less than you could/should have. This is because your powerful subconscious mind, where and when possible, tries to automatically give you what you want. And if you constantly think something won't or can't happen, then that's exactly what will happen!

- define the problem. Write it down on paper if you need to. Then start trying to come up with solutions. Write as many as you can. At least 20.Once you have written down as many solutions as you can, pick the best three or four. Apply the solution to your life. If it works, great, you just solved a problem! If it doesn't try the second, third or fourth options. Repeat until this works.

- It's part of human life not to succeed all the time. Because you don't get success constantly, you won't feel on top of the world in every waking moment. Accept that although you can improve your confidence level in general, it will always be changing depending on your circumstances.

You should come to realize that you are unique in your own way. Each and every individual is unique in their own ways. Remember, there is nothing more attractive than a male or female that is full of confidence in themselves. How to have confidence all depends on the steps you are willing to take.

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Healthy Cooking Tips

From new cooks to master chefs every one wants to learn hints that will maximize the flavor or your recipes as well as save money by keeping the items you purchase fresh for longer.Anyone who has stepped in front of a stove has, at one time or another, needed a little bit of advice.Eating healthy is not just picking the right kind of food but also cooking them the right way.

You open the cookbook and see a recipe title or a photo that tempts your taste buds. Then you start to read the recipe, realize the preparation is more difficult than you first thought, and put the book back on the shelf.

The best part about learning easy to use basic cooking tips is that anyone can apply these in the kitchen to save on precious time and remain relaxed while dealing with modern lifestyle demands that have made life so busy.Read on to know invaluable cooking tips that can improve your health and the overall well being of your family.

- Use a small note pad or a white board on your refrigerator to record items you need to get on your next trip to the store.

- Line your crisper drawer in the refrigerator with paper towels to absorb the condensation that can cause vegetables to wilt. Change out paper towels frequently.

- Before you start cooking anything you want to make sure you get all of your ingredients ready first. In other words, do all your mixing, chopping and measuring before you start cooking.

- Love. Put love into what you are cooking. Never turn the heat on before you are in a loving state. Believe me. Your love will be tasted by your beloved ones.

- Always use a timer! Rarely does an item take exactly the amount of time the recipe says it will, but that is usually at least a good place to start! Try setting your timer 5 or 10 minutes before the recipe says the dish should be done and check it.

- Choose organic. As much as possible, go for organic food, fruits and vegetables. They are not just free from pesticide residues but also contain more antioxidants than the non-organically grown ones.

-Cooking with the right oil - The kind of oil you use as well as its quantity will have a direct impact on your waistline. You may go for healthier versions like olive oil and canola oil, though olive oil should be avoided for frying foods, as its smoke point is just about 190C/375F.

- Choose a healthy method for preparation. Appropriate cooking method always helps to preserve nutrients of the food. Grilling, broiling, steaming, and braising are good ways to do this.

- Try to buy the freshest possible produce, this will make your finished product taste much better. As a last helpful cooking tip, keep yourself calm, follow the recipe to the letter, and enjoy your meal.

There are a lot of cooking tips and techniques that we can actually learn when we spend time in the kitchen. These tips and techniques do not only make cooking easy, it is also very useful to preserve the nutrients, the color and texture as well as the flavor of our food. Knowing some cooking tips and techniques also helps us a lot in mastering the art of cooking.Choose right kind of food and start with these practical and healthy cooking tips, you can absolutely make a big difference in your diet and your health.

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Tips for Long Distance Relationship

Long distance relationships where your special someone is far away, can be difficult to sustain if you only see each other on weekends, holidays and vacations.Surviving long distance relationship (LDR) depression can be even tougher on you, because of the obvious distance and lack of closeness you feel with your partner. I'm going to cover some tips I found helpful when I was suffering from LDR depression at times in my life.

Household dynamics are entirely disrupted with the onset of a new long distance relationship. While one partner must endure traveling or living abroad, usually for work-related reasons, the other partner is left "holding the bag" with all the household chores. This is definitely true if children are an issue.

The distance apart can be especially hard on those who like to see their partner every day. Although the opposite is true for others, who enjoy time apart and feel it makes them appreciate the reunion even greater.

Even though it is feasible to still keep the fire burning, it won't hurt to follow some more tips for long distance relationship works in order to ensure that your long distance relationship works.

Trust Each Other. Ever wondered why couples who started on the right note ended up singing a bad tune the moment geographical distance set in? It's the "trust" factor. Long distance relationships that are built on trust often outlived their counterparts who did not have this indispensable ingredient.

Expressing what you truly feel to and towards your partner in any form (mail, phone etc.) can help a lot to make the relationship work. So as to keep the relationship in balance, there has to be a continuous reassurance of commitment from both individuals involved. Putting across and expressing to your partner that you are equally trying to make the relationship work is very important.

A relationship with no rules is not a good relationship at all.To keep the relationship in balance Remember you want to get rid of assumptions. You don't want your partner to think it's okay for you if he tries to date other girls when you're not around. On the other hand, you don't want him to think that you can just decide on major things without seeking his advice.

Aside from love and commitment, honesty is very important in making a long distance relationship survive. This is not just about disclosing the superficial things like what he was doing the other night when you called and he didn't answer. I'm talking about more sensitive issues like your needs.

The 'at home' partner needs to guard against anger, and stay honest about his/her viewpoint, but without nagging. If you don't feel your spouse is supporting you for the added duties you have taken on, you ought to be intelligent in how you express it. Constantly expressing how challenging the situation is for you will possibly only push away your partner.

Speak out-tell your partner how much you miss and love him/her. It's not being cheesy; it's simply letting out what you really feel. Conflicts often arise in a LDR due to trust issues. Before getting involved in a LDR, ask yourself whether you are capable of trusting another person. Honesty and trust are major necessities in a LDR, as well as in any other relationship. Unnecessary paranoia and doubts will lead to nothing but failure. Arguments and squabbles are just as normal in a LDR as in any relationship. It's easy to blow off one's anger when on the phone, so try to be patient.

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How to Impress Women


Attracting women may start from impressing them, and although women may have different tastes and preferences as to what is an impressive man, there are common things that are generally a turnoff and may be best things to avoid if you want to learn how to impress women.

It is quite easy to impress women provided you do not look like you are trying to impress them. Women like to be mentally stimulated unlike, guys that accord more points to physical beauty.when it comes to the matter of impressing women. So what does it really take to impress them? Well read on to discover some of the most earth shattering secrets to really impressing women big time...... Use these tips on how to impress women and watch women try to impress you in return...

The best impression that a man can carry is being a good person. Be a good friend, show compassion, understanding, concern, care and consideration. A woman knows then that you are dependable. She would certainly love to spend an entire lifetime with you because she knows she'll find happiness in such a relationship where the man is kind, considerate and helpful.

You should also learn to "read" a woman. By monitoring her body language and eye movement, you should be able to have some clue about what she's thinking about and what kind of woman she is. If you are able to show that you really understand her, then she will instantly think that she has found a sort of soul mate - which is highly attractive.

Be a man of your word, say what you mean and mean what you say. Keep all appointments and schedules to the tee. That itself will speak volumes about your personality. A big plus point for you.

Another good way is to do things for her that would let her know you put a lot of effort into it, For instance if you know how to cook, you can invite her to come to your house for dinner but you would have prepared so many meals that by the time she sees it, she would know that you really put a lot of effort into preparing the various meals and this would make her really respect you.

Remain within your comfort zone. Do not try to bluff your way into a woman's heart or try to talk on topics that you have absolutely no knowledge of. This will simply shatter the image that you have built up and make you look like a lying buffoon. If cracking jokes is your plus point then stick to it and do not try cartwheels if you do not know how to. In simple words, do only what you do best instead of experimenting.

Be presentable. Try and look good all the time. Most women would never fall for guys who are the typical messy kinds and who are least bother about their physical appearance. Make the woman realize that you love yourself and take care of yourself.

You can also do this by talking about things you have done that are worth telling her about, for instance if you have travelled to certain places before or you have done something very few people have done, tell her about it and this would make her respect you more.

No one person can be a master of all subjects. But certainly a person needs to be worldly wise and intelligent. He should be updated on various subjects like finance, industry, politics, sports and world news. He should be comfortable speaking on a variety of subjects. His confidence and opinions on such topics of interest will automatically impress women who come in touch with him.

Once you've started to build a connection with her, you need to work on solidifying it. One highly secret technique to do this is called "fractionation," which can be used to get a woman to like you in just fifteen minutes. With this tactic, the best pickup artists take women on an emotional thrill ride with highs and lows that make her feel connected to them.

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